1.1 KiB

Integratation within the sync lifetime cycle


The session can start its own read/write transactions here, rooms only read from a shared transaction

- session
    - device handler
        - txn
            - write pending encrypted
        - txn
            - olm decryption read
        - olm async decryption
            - dispatch to worker
        - txn
            - olm decryption write / remove pending encrypted
- rooms (with shared read txn)
    - megolm decryption read


- rooms    
    - megolm async decryption   
        - dispatch to worker


- rooms (with shared readwrite txn)
    - megolm decryption write, yielding decrypted events
    - use decrypted events to write room summary


- rooms
    - emit changes


- session
    - e2ee account
        - generate more otks if needed
        - upload new otks if needed or device keys if not uploaded before
- rooms
    - share new room keys if needed