This commit is contained in:
Stephan Stanisic 2024-11-06 12:41:23 +01:00
parent 78b8e9ab07
commit 3024cd2ca1
7 changed files with 363 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src

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@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
module MiniWasm.Execution where
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import LIO
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Debug.Trace qualified
import MiniWasm.Syntax
import LIO.TCB
-- Wasm values
data Value
@ -19,6 +21,23 @@ data Value
| V_I64 Int64
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Lattice2 = Low | High
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance Label Lattice2 where
lub :: Lattice2 -> Lattice2 -> Lattice2
Low `lub` Low = Low
_ `lub` _ = High
glb :: Lattice2 -> Lattice2 -> Lattice2
High `glb` High = High
_ `glb` _ = Low
canFlowTo :: Lattice2 -> Lattice2 -> Bool
Low `canFlowTo` High = True
x `canFlowTo` y = x == y
-- Helper functions to manipulate MiniWasm values:
-- Gives the default value for each MiniWasm type.
@ -60,6 +79,10 @@ _ !? _ = Nothing
infixl 9 !? -- Same as !!
i32.const use pc for label
-- Updates the element in the list at the specified index, returning Nothing if the index is out of bounds.
-- You can use this when interpreting the I32_Store and LocalSet instructions.
updateAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
@ -70,21 +93,21 @@ updateAt n a (a' : as)
updateAt n a [] = Nothing
-- Administrative instructions.
data AdminInstr
= Plain Instr -- Regular instruction.
data AdminInstr l
= Plain (Instr l) -- Regular instruction.
| -- Label frame.
{ stackDepth :: Int -- The depth of the label's stack. This tells you how many values to 'take' from innerStack when exiting or branching out of the label.
, continuation :: [Instr] -- The instruction sequence to execute when branching out of this label.
, continuation :: [Instr l] -- The instruction sequence to execute when branching out of this label.
, innerStack :: [Value] -- The inner stack of the label frame.
, body :: [AdminInstr] -- The instructions to execute inside this label (operating over the inner stack).
, body :: [AdminInstr l] -- The instructions to execute inside this label (operating over the inner stack).
| -- Function call frame.
{ resultsCount :: Int -- The number of outputs the function produces. This tells you how many values to 'take' from innerStack when returning from the function.
, innerLocals :: [Value] -- The local variables of this function call.
, innerStack :: [Value] -- The inner stack of this function call.
, body :: [AdminInstr] -- The instructions to execute as part of this function call (operating over the inner locals and inner stack).
, body :: [AdminInstr l] -- The instructions to execute as part of this function call (operating over the inner locals and inner stack).
| -- New administrative instructions:
-- Our interpreter implements control flow slightly differently from the
@ -95,61 +118,113 @@ data AdminInstr
Trapping TrapReason -- The program is trapping.
| Breaking {target :: LabelIndex, values :: [Value]} -- The program is branching to label 'target' with args 'values'.
| Returning {results :: [Value]} -- The program is returning 'results' from a function.
deriving (Show, Eq)
| Taint l -- Taint pc
deriving Show
-- Reasons for which the program can trap.
data TrapReason
= UnreachableExecuted -- An 'Unreachable' instruction was executed.
| MemoryOutOfBounds -- A memory load or store was out of bounds.
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving Show
-- Configurations
-- The configuration represents the state of a running MiniWasm program.
-- For simplicity, we use an _explicit_ value stack in our interpreter:
-- instructions push/pop values from this stack.
data Config = Config
{ funcs :: [(FuncName, Func)] -- Function lookup map. You can use the 'lookup' function to find a function by its name.
data Config l = Config
{ funcs :: [(FuncName, Func l)] -- Function lookup map. You can use the 'lookup' function to find a function by its name.
, memory :: [Int32] -- Linear memory.
, locals :: [Value] -- Local variables.
, stack :: [Value] -- Explicit value stack.
, instrs :: [AdminInstr] -- Next instructions to be executed.
, locals :: [Labeled l Value] -- Local variables.
, stack :: [Labeled l Value] -- Explicit value stack.
, instrs :: [AdminInstr l] -- Next instructions to be executed.
, progcn :: l
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- The small-step evaluation function.
-- Replace the TODO stubs in this function with your code.
step :: Config -> Config
step cfg =
step :: Label l => Config l -> LIO l (Config l)
step cfg = do
case cfg.instrs of
[] -> cfg
[] -> return cfg
instr : instrs ->
-- Comment this line out if you don't want debug
--debug instr cfg $
debug instr cfg $
case instr of
Plain instr ->
case (instr, cfg.stack) of
(Nop, _) -> cfg{instrs} -- Evaluating Nop does nothing, so just update the list of remaining instructions.
(Drop, _ : stack) -> cfg{stack, instrs} -- Evaluating Drop just pops and discards the top value from the stack.
(Unreachable, _) -> cfg{instrs = [Trapping UnreachableExecuted]}
(I32_Const i, stack) -> cfg{stack = V_I32 i : stack, instrs}
(Nop, _) -> return cfg{instrs} -- Evaluating Nop does nothing, so just update the list of remaining instructions.
(Drop, _ : stack) -> return cfg{stack, instrs} -- Evaluating Drop just pops and discards the top value from the stack.
(Unreachable, _) -> return cfg{instrs = [Trapping UnreachableExecuted]}
(I32_Const i, stack) -> do
v <- label cfg.progcn (V_I32 i)
return cfg{stack = v : stack, instrs}
(I64_Const i, stack) -> do
v <- label cfg.progcn (V_I64 i)
return cfg{stack = v : stack, instrs}
-- You can directly pattern match on the stack too.
-- The input program is validated before execution, so you can expect to find the right value types on the stack.
(I32_BinOp op, V_I32 b : V_I32 a : stack) -> cfg{stack = V_I32 (evalBinOp op a b) : stack, instrs}
(I32_RelOp op, V_I32 b : V_I32 a : stack) -> cfg{stack = boolToI32 (evalRelOp op a b) : stack, instrs}
(I64_Const i, stack) -> cfg{stack = V_I64 i : stack, instrs}
(I64_BinOp op, V_I64 b : V_I64 a : stack) -> cfg{stack = V_I64 (evalBinOp op a b) : stack, instrs}
(I64_RelOp op, V_I64 b : V_I64 a : stack) -> cfg{stack = boolToI32 (evalRelOp op a b) : stack, instrs}
_ -> error "Missing or ill-typed operand(s) on the stack"
-- Administrative instructions:
(I32_BinOp op, b : a : stack) -> do
a' <- unlabel a
b' <- unlabel b
v <- label (labelOf a `lub` labelOf b) $ case (a', b') of
(V_I32 a'', V_I32 b'') -> V_I32 $ evalBinOp op a'' b''
(V_I64 a'', V_I64 b'') -> V_I64 $ evalBinOp op a'' b''
_ -> error "incompatiable binop"
return cfg{stack = v : stack, instrs}
(I32_RelOp op, b : a : stack) -> do
a' <- unlabel a
b' <- unlabel b
v <- label (labelOf a `lub` labelOf b) $ case (a', b') of
(V_I32 a'', V_I32 b'') -> boolToI32 (evalRelOp op a'' b'')
(V_I64 a'', V_I64 b'') -> boolToI32 (evalRelOp op a'' b'')
_ -> error "incompatiable binop"
return cfg{stack = v : stack, instrs}
_ -> error "Missing or ill-typed operand(s) on the stack"
-- Administrative instructions:
Taint l -> return cfg{instrs, progcn = l}
_ -> error "instruction unknown"
test1 :: LIO Lattice2 (Config Lattice2)
test1 = do
l1 <- label Low (V_I32 1)
l0 <- label Low (V_I32 0)
let config = Config [] [] [] [l1, l0] [Plain Drop, Plain Drop] Low
stepUntilFinal config
test2 :: LIO Lattice2 (Config Lattice2)
test2 = do
let config = Config [] [] [] [] [Plain $ I32_Const 6, Taint High, Plain $ I32_Const 7, Plain $ I32_BinOp Add] Low
stepUntilFinal config
test3 :: LIO Lattice2 (Config Lattice2)
test3 = do
let config = Config [] [] [] [] [Plain $ I32_Const 6, Taint High, Plain $ I32_Const 7, Plain $ I32_RelOp Lt] Low
stepUntilFinal config
sample :: LIO Lattice2 (Config Lattice2) -> IO ()
sample ex = do
putStrLn "Running with state Low and clearance High"
let state = LIOState Low High
y <- evalLIO ex state
putStrLn "Final stack:"
print $ map showTCB y.stack
return ()
-- If the current instruction is 'Trapping', all following instructions are discared.
_ -> error "whelp"
-- This function checks whether the configuration has reached a final state, i.e. whether the
-- program has been executed to completion.
isFinalState :: Config -> Bool
isFinalState :: Label l => Config l -> Bool
isFinalState cfg =
case cfg.instrs of
[] -> True -- If there are no more instructions to execute, we've reached a final state.
@ -157,22 +232,24 @@ isFinalState cfg =
_ -> False
-- This function will repeatedly apply the 'step' function until the program reaches a final state.
stepUntilFinal :: Config -> Config
stepUntilFinal cfg =
stepUntilFinal :: Label l => Config l -> LIO l (Config l)
stepUntilFinal cfg = do
if isFinalState cfg
then cfg
else stepUntilFinal (step cfg)
then return cfg
else do
step' <- step cfg
stepUntilFinal step'
-- This function creates an initial configuration and executes the given program to completion.
executeModule :: Module -> Config
{- executeModule :: Label l => Module l -> IO (Config l)
executeModule m =
funcMap = fmap (\f -> (, f)) m.funcs
initialConfig =
Config{funcs = funcMap, memory = m.initialMemory, locals = [], stack = [], instrs = [Plain (Call "main")]}
stepUntilFinal initialConfig
in let state = LIOState High High
in evalLIO (stepUntilFinal initialConfig) state -}
debug :: AdminInstr -> Config -> a -> a
debug :: Label l => AdminInstr l -> Config l -> a -> a
debug instr cfg =
Debug.Trace.trace ("DEBUG: " ++ "\n\t(instr: " ++ show instr ++ ")\n\t(cfg: " ++ show cfg ++ ")\n")
Debug.Trace.trace ("DEBUG: " ++ "\n\t(instr: " ++ show instr ++ ")\n\t(stack: " ++ show (map showTCB cfg.stack) ++ ")\n")

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module MiniWasm.Syntax where
import Data.Int(Int32, Int64)
import LIO.TCB
import LIO
-- The type of Wasm values.
-- MiniWasm only supports 32-bit and 64-bit integers.
@ -16,8 +18,16 @@ type FuncName = String -- The name of a function.
-- These are all newtypes over '[ValueType]'.
-- Their purpose is to make programs written in the AST look closer to actual Wasm programs.
-- You can either pattern-match on the constructors, or use the .unwrap field to access the actual lists.
newtype Params = Params { unwrap ::[ValueType] } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Results = Results { unwrap :: [ValueType] } deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Labeled l
-- Implicit flow with locals detected?
newtype Params l = Params { unwrap ::[Labeled l ValueType] }
instance Label l => Show (Params l) where
show (Params p) = show $ map showTCB p
newtype Results l = Results { unwrap :: [Labeled l ValueType] }
instance Label l => Show (Results l) where
show (Results p) = show $ map showTCB p
newtype Locals = Locals { unwrap :: [ValueType] } deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Numeric binary operators.
@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ data RelOp
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- MiniWasm instructions.
data Instr
data Instr l
= Nop -- Do nothing.
| Drop -- Drop the top-most value from the stack.
| Unreachable -- This instruction traps when executed. Used to mark unreachable code paths.
@ -60,30 +70,28 @@ data Instr
| I32_Load -- Load a value from the linear memory at the address popped from the stack, and push it onto the stack.
| I32_Store -- Store a value at the specified adress in memory. Both the value and the address are popped from the stack.
| Block Params Results [Instr] -- Execute the list of instructions in a block with the specified block type. Branching to a block jumps to the end of the block.
| Loop Params Results [Instr] -- Execute the list of instructions in a loop with the specified block type. Branching to a loop jumps back to the beginning of the loop.
| Block (Params l) (Results l) [Instr l] -- Execute the list of instructions in a block with the specified block type. Branching to a block jumps to the end of the block.
| Loop (Params l) (Results l) [Instr l] -- Execute the list of instructions in a loop with the specified block type. Branching to a loop jumps back to the beginning of the loop.
| Br LabelIndex -- Branch to the label with the specified index. Labels are indexed using DeBruijn indices, so the nearest label has index 0.
| BrIf LabelIndex -- Pop an I32 from the stack, and branch to the specified label only if the value is non-zero.
| Call FuncName -- Call the specified function.
| Return -- Return from the current function.
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving Show
-- Function definitions.
data Func =
data Func l =
{ name :: FuncName -- The name of the function
, params :: Params -- The types of the function's parameters.
, results :: Results -- The types of the function's results.
, params :: Params l -- The types of the function's parameters.
, results :: Results l -- The types of the function's results.
, locals :: Locals -- The types of the function's local variables.
, body :: [Instr] -- The body of the function.
, body :: [Instr l] -- The body of the function.
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- MiniWasm modules ("programs").
data Module =
data Module l =
{ initialMemory :: [Int32] -- The initial contents of the module's linear memory.
, funcs :: [Func] -- The functions defined inside the module.
, funcs :: [Func l] -- The functions defined inside the module.
deriving Show

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@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
module MiniWasm.TestCases.Programs where
import MiniWasm.Syntax
import MiniWasm.Execution
import MiniWasm.TestCases.SmallStep((~>))
-- import MiniWasm.Syntax
-- import MiniWasm.Execution
-- import MiniWasm.TestCases.SmallStep((~>))
-- This file contains a few example MiniWasm modules, which also serve as test cases for the interpreter.
-- You're free to modify them (or add new ones) to help you when solving the assignment.
-- However, your solution will be graded only based on the original test cases, plus some test cases that are not present here.
-- -- This file contains a few example MiniWasm modules, which also serve as test cases for the interpreter.
-- -- You're free to modify them (or add new ones) to help you when solving the assignment.
-- -- However, your solution will be graded only based on the original test cases, plus some test cases that are not present here.
-- If you're writing a new module, don't forget to add it to this list.
-- It's a list of nested tuples, because it's going to be used with 'lookup' which expected a list of (key, value) pairs.
testPrograms :: [(String, (Module, ExpectedOutput))]
testPrograms =
[ "simpleAdd" ~> simpleAdd ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 6]
, "isEven" ~> isEven ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 0, V_I32 1]
, "factorial" ~> factorial ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 120]
, "factorial64" ~> factorial64 ~> ExpectStack [V_I64 120]
, "factorialRecursive" ~> factorialRecursive ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 720, V_I32 120]
, "memorySimple" ~> memorySimple ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 11, V_I32 10, V_I32 2, V_I32 1, V_I32 10]
, "localsSimple" ~> localsSimple ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 5, V_I32 0]
, "localsFunction" ~> localsFunction ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 5, V_I32 9, V_I32 0]
-- -- If you're writing a new module, don't forget to add it to this list.
-- -- It's a list of nested tuples, because it's going to be used with 'lookup' which expected a list of (key, value) pairs.
-- testPrograms :: [(String, (Module, ExpectedOutput))]
-- testPrograms =
-- [ "simpleAdd" ~> simpleAdd ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 6]
-- , "isEven" ~> isEven ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 0, V_I32 1]
-- , "factorial" ~> factorial ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 120]
-- , "factorial64" ~> factorial64 ~> ExpectStack [V_I64 120]
-- , "factorialRecursive" ~> factorialRecursive ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 720, V_I32 120]
-- , "memorySimple" ~> memorySimple ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 11, V_I32 10, V_I32 2, V_I32 1, V_I32 10]
-- , "localsSimple" ~> localsSimple ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 5, V_I32 0]
-- , "localsFunction" ~> localsFunction ~> ExpectStack [V_I32 5, V_I32 9, V_I32 0]
, "unreachable" ~> unreachable ~> ExpectTrap UnreachableExecuted
, "loadOutOfBounds" ~> loadOutOfBounds ~> ExpectTrap MemoryOutOfBounds
, "storeOutOfBounds" ~> storeOutOfBounds ~> ExpectTrap MemoryOutOfBounds
-- , "unreachable" ~> unreachable ~> ExpectTrap UnreachableExecuted
-- , "loadOutOfBounds" ~> loadOutOfBounds ~> ExpectTrap MemoryOutOfBounds
-- , "storeOutOfBounds" ~> storeOutOfBounds ~> ExpectTrap MemoryOutOfBounds
-- ]
data ExpectedOutput
= ExpectStack [Value] -- Expect the program to succeed with the specified output stack.
| ExpectTrap TrapReason -- Expect the program to trap for the specified reason.
-- data ExpectedOutput
-- = ExpectStack [Value] -- Expect the program to succeed with the specified output stack.
-- | ExpectTrap TrapReason -- Expect the program to trap for the specified reason.
simpleAdd :: Module
simpleAdd =
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 1
, I32_Const 2
, I32_Const 3
, I32_BinOp Add
, I32_BinOp Add
-- simpleAdd :: Module
-- simpleAdd =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 1
-- , I32_Const 2
-- , I32_Const 3
-- , I32_BinOp Add
-- , I32_BinOp Add
-- ]
-- ]
isEven :: Module
isEven =
[ Func "isEven" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 2
, I32_BinOp Rem
-- isEven :: Module
-- isEven =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "isEven" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 2
-- , I32_BinOp Rem
, I32_Const 0
, I32_RelOp Eq
, Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 4
, Call "isEven"
-- , I32_Const 0
-- , I32_RelOp Eq
-- ]
-- , Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 4
-- , Call "isEven"
, I32_Const 7
, Call "isEven"
-- , I32_Const 7
-- , Call "isEven"
-- ]
-- ]
factorial :: Module
factorial =
[ Func "factorial" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 1
, Block (Params [I32]) (Results [I32])
[ Loop (Params [I32]) (Results [I32])
[ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 0
, I32_RelOp Le
, BrIf 1
-- factorial :: Module
-- factorial =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "factorial" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 1
-- , Block (Params [I32]) (Results [I32])
-- [ Loop (Params [I32]) (Results [I32])
-- [ LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 0
-- , I32_RelOp Le
-- , BrIf 1
, LocalGet 0
, LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 1
, I32_BinOp Sub
, LocalSet 0
, I32_BinOp Mul
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 1
-- , I32_BinOp Sub
-- , LocalSet 0
-- , I32_BinOp Mul
, Br 0
, Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 5
, Call "factorial"
-- , Br 0
-- ]
-- ]
-- ]
-- , Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 5
-- , Call "factorial"
-- ]
-- ]
-- Same as 'factorial', but with I64 everywhere
factorial64 :: Module
factorial64 =
[ Func "factorial" (Params [I64]) (Results [I64]) (Locals [])
[ I64_Const 1
, Block (Params [I64]) (Results [I64])
[ Loop (Params [I64]) (Results [I64])
[ LocalGet 0
, I64_Const 0
, I64_RelOp Le
, BrIf 1
-- -- Same as 'factorial', but with I64 everywhere
-- factorial64 :: Module
-- factorial64 =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "factorial" (Params [I64]) (Results [I64]) (Locals [])
-- [ I64_Const 1
-- , Block (Params [I64]) (Results [I64])
-- [ Loop (Params [I64]) (Results [I64])
-- [ LocalGet 0
-- , I64_Const 0
-- , I64_RelOp Le
-- , BrIf 1
, LocalGet 0
, LocalGet 0
, I64_Const 1
, I64_BinOp Sub
, LocalSet 0
, I64_BinOp Mul
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , I64_Const 1
-- , I64_BinOp Sub
-- , LocalSet 0
-- , I64_BinOp Mul
, Br 0
, Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I64]) (Locals [])
[ I64_Const 5
, Call "factorial"
-- , Br 0
-- ]
-- ]
-- ]
-- , Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I64]) (Locals [])
-- [ I64_Const 5
-- , Call "factorial"
-- ]
-- ]
factorialRecursive :: Module
factorialRecursive =
[ Func "factorial" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ Block (Params []) (Results [])
[ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 0
, I32_RelOp Le
, BrIf 0
-- factorialRecursive :: Module
-- factorialRecursive =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "factorial" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ Block (Params []) (Results [])
-- [ LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 0
-- , I32_RelOp Le
-- , BrIf 0
, LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 1
, I32_BinOp Sub
, Call "factorial"
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 1
-- , I32_BinOp Sub
-- , Call "factorial"
, LocalGet 0
, I32_BinOp Mul
, Return
, I32_Const 1
, Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 5
, Call "factorial"
-- , LocalGet 0
-- , I32_BinOp Mul
-- , Return
-- ]
-- , I32_Const 1
-- ]
-- , Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 5
-- , Call "factorial"
, I32_Const 6
, Call "factorial"
-- , I32_Const 6
-- , Call "factorial"
-- ]
-- ]
localsSimple :: Module
localsSimple =
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [I32])
[ LocalGet 0
-- localsSimple :: Module
-- localsSimple =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32]) (Locals [I32])
-- [ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 5
, LocalSet 0
, LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 5
-- , LocalSet 0
-- , LocalGet 0
-- ]
-- ]
localsFunction :: Module
localsFunction =
[ Func "f" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [I32])
[ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 1
, I32_BinOp Sub
-- localsFunction :: Module
-- localsFunction =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "f" (Params [I32]) (Results [I32]) (Locals [I32])
-- [ LocalGet 0
-- , I32_Const 1
-- , I32_BinOp Sub
, LocalSet 1
, LocalGet 1
-- , LocalSet 1
-- , LocalGet 1
-- ]
, Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [I32])
[ LocalGet 0
-- , Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [I32])
-- [ LocalGet 0
, I32_Const 5
, LocalSet 0
-- , I32_Const 5
-- , LocalSet 0
, I32_Const 10
, Call "f"
-- , I32_Const 10
-- , Call "f"
, LocalGet 0
-- , LocalGet 0
-- ]
-- ]
memorySimple :: Module
memorySimple =
[1 .. 10]
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [])
[ MemSize
-- memorySimple :: Module
-- memorySimple =
-- Module
-- [1 .. 10]
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ MemSize
, I32_Const 0
, I32_Load
-- , I32_Const 0
-- , I32_Load
, I32_Const 1
, I32_Load
-- , I32_Const 1
-- , I32_Load
, I32_Const 5
, I32_Const 11
, I32_Store
-- , I32_Const 5
-- , I32_Const 11
-- , I32_Store
, I32_Const 9
, I32_Load
-- , I32_Const 9
-- , I32_Load
, I32_Const 5
, I32_Load
-- , I32_Const 5
-- , I32_Load
-- ]
-- ]
unreachable :: Module
unreachable =
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [])
[ Unreachable
-- unreachable :: Module
-- unreachable =
-- Module
-- []
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32, I32, I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ Unreachable
-- ]
-- ]
loadOutOfBounds :: Module
loadOutOfBounds =
[1, 2, 3]
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 3
, I32_Load
-- loadOutOfBounds :: Module
-- loadOutOfBounds =
-- Module
-- [1, 2, 3]
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results [I32]) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 3
-- , I32_Load
-- ]
-- ]
storeOutOfBounds :: Module
storeOutOfBounds =
[1, 2, 3]
[ Func "main" (Params []) (Results []) (Locals [])
[ I32_Const 3
, I32_Const 0
, I32_Store
-- storeOutOfBounds :: Module
-- storeOutOfBounds =
-- Module
-- [1, 2, 3]
-- [ Func "main" (Params []) (Results []) (Locals [])
-- [ I32_Const 3
-- , I32_Const 0
-- , I32_Store
-- ]
-- ]

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ infixr 5 ~>
-- You can add your own or modify them, but be careful: Unlike the full program tests, these Configs
-- are not validated before being executed. If you add an invalid config, it will crash with an
-- unhelpful error like "ill-typed operands on the stack".
smallStepTests :: [(String, [Config])]
smallStepTests =
[ "Nop"
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ smallStepTests =
, Config [] [] [] [V_I64 3, V_I64 2] [Plain (I64_BinOp Add)]
, Config [] [] [] [V_I64 5] []
, "LocalGet"
~> [ Config [] [] [V_I32 7] [] [Plain (LocalGet 0)]

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Data.Foldable(traverse_)
import Data.List(nub)
import MiniWasm.Syntax
import LIO
-- This file implements a validation algorithm for MiniWasm.
-- You don't need to read nor modify this file for the assignment, but skimming it
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ data Context =
, stack :: Stack
validateInstr :: Context -> Instr -> Either ValidationError Stack
validateInstr :: Label l => Context -> Instr l -> Either ValidationError Stack
validateInstr ctx instr =
case instr of
Nop -> Right ctx.stack
@ -159,13 +160,13 @@ validateInstr ctx instr =
_ <- pop ctx.returnType ctx.stack
return Any
validateInstrs :: Context -> [Instr] -> Either ValidationError Stack
validateInstrs :: Label l => Context -> [Instr l] -> Either ValidationError Stack
validateInstrs ctx [] = Right ctx.stack
validateInstrs ctx (instr : instrs) = do
newStack <- validateInstr ctx instr
validateInstrs ctx{stack = newStack} instrs
validateFunc :: [(FuncName, FuncType)] -> Func -> Either ValidationError ()
validateFunc :: Label l => [(FuncName, FuncType)] -> Func l -> Either ValidationError ()
validateFunc funcTypes (Func name (Params params) (Results results) (Locals locals) body) = do
results' = reverse results
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ validateFunc funcTypes (Func name (Params params) (Results results) (Locals loca
stack <- validateInstrs ctx body
popExact results' stack
validateModule :: Module -> Either ValidationError ()
validateModule :: Label l => Module l -> Either ValidationError ()
validateModule m =
uniqueFuncs = nub $ fmap (\f -> m.funcs

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ testSmallStep name cfgs =
cfg' @=? step cfg
go cfg' cfgs
testModule :: TestName -> Module -> ExpectedOutput -> TestTree
testModule name m expectedOutput =
testCase name $ do
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ testModule name m expectedOutput =
-- This case should never happen, unless you modify 'stepUntilFinal' or 'executeModule'
_ -> assertFailure "Program is not in final state"
-- If you want to add a new test case, modify the 'testPrograms' list in the MiniWasm.TestCases.Programs module.
testTree :: TestTree