module Day5.Main (main) where import System.IO import Data.List import Data.List.Split import Text.Regex.TDFA main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Day 5" handle <- openFile "app/Day5/input" ReadMode contents <- hGetContents handle let r1 = part1 contents putStrLn $ "part 1: " ++ r1 let r2 = part2 contents putStrLn $ "part 2: " ++ r2 return () trim :: String -> String trim = unwords . words type Stack = [Char] type Instruction = (Int, Int, Int) -- count, from, to -- yea I'm not cleaning this up, I just glued this together in a repl parseData :: String -> ([Stack], [Instruction]) parseData contents = (stacks, instructions) where parts = splitOn "\n\n" contents stacks = map (trim . snd) $ filter (\(i, _) -> i `mod` 4 == 2) $ zip [1..] (transpose $ init $ lines $ parts !! 0) instructions = map (\(a:b:c:_) -> (a,b-1,c-1)) $ map (\(_, _, _, m) -> map (read :: String -> Int) m) $ map ((=~ "move ([[:digit:]]+) from ([[:digit:]]+) to ([[:digit:]]+)") :: String -> (String, String, String, [String])) (lines $ parts !! 1) update :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] update n item ls = a ++ (item:b) where (a, (_:b)) = splitAt n ls executeInstructions :: Bool -> [Stack] -> [Instruction] -> [Stack] executeInstructions is9001 stacks [] = stacks executeInstructions is9001 stacks ((c,f,t):is) = executeInstructions is9001 stacks' is where from = stacks !! f to = stacks !! t items = (if is9001 then id else reverse) $ take c from from' = drop c $ from to' = items ++ to stacks' = update f from' $ update t to' stacks crane :: Bool -> String -> String crane is9001 contents = map (!! 0) stacks' where (stacks, instructions) = parseData contents stacks' = executeInstructions is9001 stacks instructions part1, part2 :: String -> String part1 = crane False part2 = crane True