138 lines
3.4 KiB
138 lines
3.4 KiB
module Day9.Main where
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Day 9"
handle <- openFile "app/Day9/example" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let r1 = part1 contents
putStrLn $ "part 1: " ++ show r1
let r2 = part2 contents
putStrLn $ "part 2: " ++ show r2
data Direction = DUp | DDown | DLeft | DRight
deriving (Show)
data Heading = None | N | E | S | W | NE | SE | SW | NW
type Motion = (Int, Direction)
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Rope = (Point, Point) -- head, tail
instance Read Direction where
readsPrec _ "R" = [(DRight, "")]
readsPrec _ "L" = [(DLeft, "")]
readsPrec _ "U" = [(DUp, "")]
readsPrec _ "D" = [(DDown, "")]
toMotion :: [String] -> Motion
toMotion (a:b:_) = (read b, read a)
toHeading :: Rope -> Heading
toHeading ((hx,hy),(tx,ty))
| hx == tx &&
hy == ty = None
| hx == tx &&
hy < ty = S
| hx == tx &&
hy > ty = N
| hy == ty &&
hx < tx = W
| hy == ty &&
hx > tx = E
| hx < tx &&
hy < ty = SW
| hx < tx &&
hy > ty = NW
| hx > tx &&
hy < ty = SE
| hx > tx &&
hy > ty = NE
parseData :: String -> [Motion]
parseData = (map toMotion) . (map (splitOn " ")) . lines
expandMovement :: [Motion] -> [Direction]
expandMovement = concatMap (uncurry replicate)
doMovement :: Rope -> Direction -> Rope
doMovement rope DUp =
case toHeading rope of
None -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
N -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty+1))
E -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
S -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
W -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
NE -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx+1, ty+1))
SE -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
SW -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx, ty))
NW -> ((hx, hy+1), (tx-1, ty+1))
((hx, hy), (tx, ty)) = rope
doMovement rope DDown =
case toHeading rope of
None -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
N -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
E -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
S -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty-1))
W -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
NE -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
SE -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx+1, ty-1))
SW -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx-1, ty-1))
NW -> ((hx, hy-1), (tx, ty))
((hx, hy), (tx, ty)) = rope
doMovement rope DLeft =
case toHeading rope of
None -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
N -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
E -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
S -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
W -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx-1, ty))
NE -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
SE -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx, ty))
SW -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx-1, ty-1))
NW -> ((hx-1, hy), (tx-1, ty+1))
((hx, hy), (tx, ty)) = rope
doMovement rope DRight =
case toHeading rope of
None -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
N -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
E -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx+1, ty))
S -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
W -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
NE -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx+1, ty+1))
SE -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx+1, ty-1))
SW -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
NW -> ((hx+1, hy), (tx, ty))
((hx, hy), (tx, ty)) = rope
part1 contents = path
steps = expandMovement $ parseData contents
step = take 2 steps
(final, path) = foldr (\m (r, ps) -> let (h,t) = doMovement r m in ((h,t), (t:ps))) (((0,0),(0,0)),[(0,0)]) steps
part2 contents = 1