2025-01-17 17:05:05 +00:00

375 lines
16 KiB

Copyright 2025 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
// Use the path implementation native to the platform so paths from disk play
// well with resolving against the relative location (think Windows `C:\` and
// backslashes).
const path = require('path');
// Use the posix (forward slash) implementation when working with `import` paths
// to reference resources
const posixPath = require('path').posix;
const {optimize} = require('svgo');
async function readCSSSource(location) {
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const resolvedLocation = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../", `${location}/theme.css`);
const data = await fs.readFile(resolvedLocation);
return data;
function getRootSectionWithVariables(variables) {
return `:root{\n${Object.entries(variables).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => acc + `--${key}: ${value};\n`, "")} }\n\n`;
function appendVariablesToCSS(variables, cssSource) {
return cssSource + getRootSectionWithVariables(variables);
function addThemesToConfig(bundle, manifestLocations, defaultThemes) {
for (const [fileName, info] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (fileName === "config.json") {
const source = new TextDecoder().decode(info.source);
const config = JSON.parse(source);
config["themeManifests"] = manifestLocations;
config["defaultTheme"] = defaultThemes;
info.source = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2));
* Returns an object where keys are the svg file names and the values
* are the svg code (optimized)
* @param {*} icons Object where keys are css variable names and values are locations of the svg
* @param {*} manifestLocation Location of manifest used for resolving path
async function generateIconSourceMap(icons, manifestLocation) {
const sources = {};
const fileNames = [];
const promises = [];
const fs = require("fs").promises;
for (const icon of Object.values(icons)) {
const [location] = icon.split("?");
// resolve location against manifestLocation
const resolvedLocation = path.resolve(manifestLocation, location);
const iconData = fs.readFile(resolvedLocation);
const fileName = path.basename(resolvedLocation);
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
const svgString = results[i].toString();
const result = optimize(svgString, {
plugins: [
name: "preset-default",
params: {
overrides: { convertColors: false, },
const optimizedSvgString =;
sources[fileNames[i]] = optimizedSvgString;
return sources;
* Returns a mapping from location (of manifest file) to an array containing all the chunks (of css files) generated from that location.
* To understand what chunk means in this context, see
* @param {*} bundle Mapping from fileName to AssetInfo | ChunkInfo
function getMappingFromLocationToChunkArray(bundle) {
const chunkMap = new Map();
for (const [fileName, info] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (!fileName.endsWith(".css") || info.type === "asset" || info.facadeModuleId?.includes("type=runtime")) {
const location = info.facadeModuleId?.match(/(.+)\/.+\.css/)?.[1];
if (!location) {
throw new Error("Cannot find location of css chunk!");
const array = chunkMap.get(location);
if (!array) {
chunkMap.set(location, [info]);
else {
return chunkMap;
* Returns a mapping from unhashed file name (of css files) to AssetInfo.
* To understand what AssetInfo means in this context, see
* @param {*} bundle Mapping from fileName to AssetInfo | ChunkInfo
function getMappingFromFileNameToAssetInfo(bundle) {
const assetMap = new Map();
for (const [fileName, info] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (!fileName.endsWith(".css")) {
if (info.type === "asset") {
* So this is the css assetInfo that contains the asset hashed file name.
* We'll store it in a separate map indexed via fileName (unhashed) to avoid
* searching through the bundle array later.
assetMap.set(, info);
return assetMap;
* Returns a mapping from location (of manifest file) to ChunkInfo of the runtime css asset
* To understand what ChunkInfo means in this context, see
* @param {*} bundle Mapping from fileName to AssetInfo | ChunkInfo
function getMappingFromLocationToRuntimeChunk(bundle) {
let runtimeThemeChunkMap = new Map();
for (const [fileName, info] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (!fileName.endsWith(".css") || info.type === "asset") {
const location = info.facadeModuleId?.match(/(.+)\/.+\.css/)?.[1];
if (!location) {
throw new Error("Cannot find location of css chunk!");
if (info.facadeModuleId?.includes("type=runtime")) {
* We have a separate field in manifest.source just for the runtime theme,
* so store this separately.
runtimeThemeChunkMap.set(location, info);
return runtimeThemeChunkMap;
module.exports = function buildThemes(options) {
let manifest, variants, defaultDark, defaultLight, defaultThemes = {};
let isDevelopment = false;
const virtualModuleId = '@theme/'
const resolvedVirtualModuleId = '\0' + virtualModuleId;
const themeToManifestLocation = new Map();
return {
name: "build-themes",
enforce: "pre",
configResolved(config) {
if (config.command === "serve") {
isDevelopment = true;
async buildStart() {
const { themeConfig } = options;
for (const location of themeConfig.themes) {
manifest = require(`${location}/manifest.json`);
const themeCollectionId =;
themeToManifestLocation.set(themeCollectionId, location);
variants = manifest.values.variants;
for (const [variant, details] of Object.entries(variants)) {
const fileName = `theme-${themeCollectionId}-${variant}.css`;
if (themeCollectionId === themeConfig.default && details.default) {
// This is the default theme, stash the file name for later
if (details.dark) {
defaultDark = fileName;
defaultThemes["dark"] = `${themeCollectionId}-${variant}`;
else {
defaultLight = fileName;
defaultThemes["light"] = `${themeCollectionId}-${variant}`;
// emit the css as built theme bundle
if (!isDevelopment) {
this.emitFile({ type: "chunk", id: `${location}/theme.css?variant=${variant}${details.dark ? "&dark=true" : ""}`, fileName, });
// emit the css as runtime theme bundle
if (!isDevelopment) {
this.emitFile({ type: "chunk", id: `${location}/theme.css?type=runtime`, fileName: `theme-${themeCollectionId}-runtime.css`, });
resolveId(id) {
if (id.startsWith(virtualModuleId)) {
return '\0' + id;
async load(id) {
if (isDevelopment) {
* To load the theme during dev, we need to take a different approach because emitFile is not supported in dev.
* We solve this by resolving virtual file "@theme/name/variant" into the necessary css import.
* This virtual file import is removed when hydrogen is built (see transform hook).
if (id.startsWith(resolvedVirtualModuleId)) {
let [theme, variant, file] = id.substr(resolvedVirtualModuleId.length).split("/");
if (theme === "default") {
theme = options.themeConfig.default;
const location = themeToManifestLocation.get(theme);
const manifest = require(`${location}/manifest.json`);
const variants = manifest.values.variants;
if (!variant || variant === "default") {
// choose the first default variant for now
// this will need to support light/dark variants as well
variant = Object.keys(variants).find(variantName => variants[variantName].default);
if (!file) {
file = "index.js";
switch (file) {
case "index.js": {
const isDark = variants[variant].dark;
return `import "${posixPath.resolve(`${location}/theme.css`)}${isDark? "?dark=true": ""}";` +
`import "@theme/${theme}/${variant}/variables.css"`;
case "variables.css": {
const variables = variants[variant].variables;
const css = getRootSectionWithVariables(variables);
return css;
else {
const result = id.match(/(.+)\/theme.css\?variant=([^&]+)/);
if (result) {
const [, location, variant] = result;
const cssSource = await readCSSSource(location);
const config = variants[variant];
return appendVariablesToCSS(config.variables, cssSource);
return null;
transform(code, id) {
if (isDevelopment) {
* Removes develop-only script tag; this cannot be done in transformIndexHtml hook because
* by the time that hook runs, the import is added to the bundled js file which would
* result in a runtime error.
const devScriptTag =
/<script type="module"> import "@theme\/.+"; <\/script>/;
if (id.endsWith("index.html")) {
const htmlWithoutDevScript = code.replace(devScriptTag, "");
return htmlWithoutDevScript;
transformIndexHtml(_, ctx) {
if (isDevelopment) {
// Don't add default stylesheets to index.html on dev
let darkThemeLocation, lightThemeLocation;
for (const [, bundle] of Object.entries(ctx.bundle)) {
if ( === defaultDark) {
darkThemeLocation = bundle.fileName;
if ( === defaultLight) {
lightThemeLocation = bundle.fileName;
return [
tag: "link",
attrs: {
rel: "stylesheet",
type: "text/css",
media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",
href: `./${darkThemeLocation}`,
class: "theme",
tag: "link",
attrs: {
rel: "stylesheet",
type: "text/css",
media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)",
href: `./${lightThemeLocation}`,
class: "theme",
async generateBundle(_, bundle) {
const assetMap = getMappingFromFileNameToAssetInfo(bundle);
const chunkMap = getMappingFromLocationToChunkArray(bundle);
const runtimeThemeChunkMap = getMappingFromLocationToRuntimeChunk(bundle);
const manifestLocations = [];
// Location of the directory containing manifest relative to the root of the build output
const manifestLocation = "assets";
for (const [location, chunkArray] of chunkMap) {
const manifest = require(`${location}/manifest.json`);
const compiledVariables = options.compiledVariables.get(location);
const derivedVariables = compiledVariables["derived-variables"];
const icon = compiledVariables["icon"];
const builtAssets = {};
let themeKey;
for (const chunk of chunkArray) {
const [, name, variant] = chunk.fileName.match(/theme-(.+)-(.+)\.css/);
themeKey = name;
const locationRelativeToBuildRoot = assetMap.get(chunk.fileName).fileName;
const locationRelativeToManifest = path.relative(manifestLocation, locationRelativeToBuildRoot);
builtAssets[`${name}-${variant}`] = locationRelativeToManifest;
// Emit the base svg icons as asset
const nameToAssetHashedLocation = [];
const nameToSource = await generateIconSourceMap(icon, location);
for (const [name, source] of Object.entries(nameToSource)) {
const ref = this.emitFile({ type: "asset", name, source });
const assetHashedName = this.getFileName(ref);
nameToAssetHashedLocation[name] = assetHashedName;
// Update icon section in output manifest with paths to the icon in build output
for (const [variable, location] of Object.entries(icon)) {
const [locationWithoutQueryParameters, queryParameters] = location.split("?");
const name = path.basename(locationWithoutQueryParameters);
const locationRelativeToBuildRoot = nameToAssetHashedLocation[name];
const locationRelativeToManifest = path.relative(manifestLocation, locationRelativeToBuildRoot);
icon[variable] = `${locationRelativeToManifest}?${queryParameters}`;
const runtimeThemeChunk = runtimeThemeChunkMap.get(location);
const runtimeAssetLocation = path.relative(manifestLocation, assetMap.get(runtimeThemeChunk.fileName).fileName);
manifest.source = {
"built-assets": builtAssets,
"runtime-asset": runtimeAssetLocation,
"derived-variables": derivedVariables,
"icon": icon,
const name = `theme-${themeKey}.json`;
type: "asset",
source: JSON.stringify(manifest),
addThemesToConfig(bundle, manifestLocations, defaultThemes);