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synced 2025-01-31 22:51:39 +01:00
bs58 depends on safe-buffer, which depends on buffer, which is a bit of a pain to bundle as it is a built-in node module. You'd typically replace buffer with a browser polyfill in your build system but: a) this is somewhat a pain to setup for simple apps b) the polyfill is way more than we need (6kb), so we prefer to bundle our minimal buffer replacement that uses Uint8Array. Since it is a transitive dependency, we need to bundle bs58 and all of its transitive dependencies (2.5kb) as well, so if users of hydrogen-sdk also use any of these, they'll be double included in their bundle.
48 lines
1.9 KiB
48 lines
1.9 KiB
const path = require("path");
const mergeOptions = require('merge-options');
const commonOptions = require("./vite.common-config.js");
const manifest = require("./package.json");
const externalDependencies = Object.keys(manifest.dependencies)
// just in case for safety in case fake-indexeddb wouldn't be
// treeshake'd out of the bundle
// bundle bs58 because it uses buffer indirectly, which is a pain to bundle,
// so we don't annoy our library users with it.
.filter(d => d !== "bs58");
const moduleDir = path.join(__dirname, "node_modules");
export default mergeOptions(commonOptions, {
root: "src/",
build: {
lib: {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/lib.ts'),
formats: ["cjs", "es"],
fileName: format => `hydrogen.${format}.js`,
minify: false,
sourcemap: false,
outDir: "../target/lib-build",
// don't bundle any dependencies, they should be imported/required
rollupOptions: {
external(id) {
return externalDependencies.some(d => id === d || id.startsWith(d + "/"));
/* don't bundle, so we can override imports per file at build time to replace components */
// output: {
// manualChunks: (id) => {
// if (id.startsWith(srcDir)) {
// const idPath = id.substring(srcDir.length);
// const pathWithoutExt = idPath.substring(0, idPath.lastIndexOf("."));
// return pathWithoutExt;
// } else {
// return "index";
// }
// },
// minifyInternalExports: false,
// chunkFileNames: "[format]/[name].js"
// }