import SortedArray from "../../../observable/list/SortedArray.js"; import {NetworkError} from "../../error.js"; import PendingEvent from "./PendingEvent.js"; function makeTxnId() { const n = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); const str = n.toString(16); return "t" + "0".repeat(14 - str.length) + str; } export default class SendQueue { constructor({roomId, storage, sendScheduler, pendingEvents}) { pendingEvents = pendingEvents || []; this._roomId = roomId; this._storage = storage; this._sendScheduler = sendScheduler; this._pendingEvents = new SortedArray((a, b) => a.queueIndex - b.queueIndex); if (pendingEvents.length) {`SendQueue for room ${roomId} has ${pendingEvents.length} pending events`, pendingEvents); } this._pendingEvents.setManyUnsorted( => new PendingEvent(data))); this._isSending = false; this._offline = false; this._amountSent = 0; } async _sendLoop() { this._isSending = true; try { console.log("start sending", this._amountSent, "<", this._pendingEvents.length); while (this._amountSent < this._pendingEvents.length) { const pendingEvent = this._pendingEvents.get(this._amountSent); console.log("trying to send", pendingEvent.content.body); this._amountSent += 1; if (pendingEvent.remoteId) { continue; } console.log("really sending now"); const response = await this._sendScheduler.request(hsApi => { console.log("got sendScheduler slot"); return hsApi.send( pendingEvent.roomId, pendingEvent.eventType, pendingEvent.txnId, pendingEvent.content ).response(); }); pendingEvent.remoteId = response.event_id; // console.log("writing remoteId now"); await this._tryUpdateEvent(pendingEvent); console.log("keep sending?", this._amountSent, "<", this._pendingEvents.length); } } catch(err) { if (err instanceof NetworkError) { this._offline = true; } } finally { this._isSending = false; } } removeRemoteEchos(events, txn) { const removed = []; for (const event of events) { const txnId = event.unsigned && event.unsigned.transaction_id; if (txnId) { const idx = this._pendingEvents.array.findIndex(pe => pe.txnId === txnId); if (idx !== -1) { const pendingEvent = this._pendingEvents.get(idx); txn.pendingEvents.remove(pendingEvent.roomId, pendingEvent.queueIndex); removed.push(pendingEvent); } } } return removed; } emitRemovals(pendingEvents) { for (const pendingEvent of pendingEvents) { const idx = this._pendingEvents.array.indexOf(pendingEvent); if (idx !== -1) { this._amountSent -= 1; this._pendingEvents.remove(idx); } } } resumeSending() { this._offline = false; if (!this._isSending) { this._sendLoop(); } } async enqueueEvent(eventType, content) { const pendingEvent = await this._createAndStoreEvent(eventType, content); this._pendingEvents.set(pendingEvent); console.log("added to _pendingEvents set", this._pendingEvents.length); if (!this._isSending && !this._offline) { this._sendLoop(); } } get pendingEvents() { return this._pendingEvents; } async _tryUpdateEvent(pendingEvent) { const txn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.pendingEvents]); console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: got txn"); try { // pendingEvent might have been removed already here // by a racing remote echo, so check first so we don't recreate it console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: before exists"); if (await txn.pendingEvents.exists(pendingEvent.roomId, pendingEvent.queueIndex)) { console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: inside if exists"); txn.pendingEvents.update(; } console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: after exists"); } catch (err) { txn.abort(); console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: error", err); throw err; } console.log("_tryUpdateEvent: try complete"); await txn.complete(); } async _createAndStoreEvent(eventType, content) { console.log("_createAndStoreEvent"); const txn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.pendingEvents]); let pendingEvent; try { const pendingEventsStore = txn.pendingEvents; console.log("_createAndStoreEvent getting maxQueueIndex"); const maxQueueIndex = await pendingEventsStore.getMaxQueueIndex(this._roomId) || 0; console.log("_createAndStoreEvent got maxQueueIndex", maxQueueIndex); const queueIndex = maxQueueIndex + 1; pendingEvent = new PendingEvent({ roomId: this._roomId, queueIndex, eventType, content, txnId: makeTxnId() }); console.log("_createAndStoreEvent: adding to pendingEventsStore"); pendingEventsStore.add(; } catch (err) { txn.abort(); throw err; } await txn.complete(); return pendingEvent; } }