/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {BaseObservableValue} from "../../observable/ObservableValue.js"; export class Navigation { constructor(allowsChild) { this._allowsChild = allowsChild; this._path = new Path([], allowsChild); this._observables = new Map(); } get path() { return this._path; } applyPath(path) { // Path is not exported, so you can only create a Path through Navigation, // so we assume it respects the allowsChild rules const oldPath = this._path; this._path = path; // clear values not in the new path in reverse order of path for (let i = oldPath.segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const segment = oldPath.segments[i]; if (!this._path.get(segment.type)) { const observable = this._observables.get(segment.type); observable?.emitIfChanged(); } } // change values in order of path for (const segment of this._path.segments) { const observable = this._observables.get(segment.type); observable?.emitIfChanged(); } } observe(type) { let observable = this._observables.get(type); if (!observable) { observable = new SegmentObservable(this, type); this._observables.set(type, observable); } return observable; } pathFrom(segments) { let parent; let i; for (i = 0; i < segments.length; i += 1) { if (!this._allowsChild(parent, segments[i])) { return new Path(segments.slice(0, i), this._allowsChild); } parent = segments[i]; } return new Path(segments, this._allowsChild); } segment(type, value) { return new Segment(type, value); } } function segmentValueEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } // allow (sparse) arrays if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) { const len = Math.max(a.length, b.length); for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } export class Segment { constructor(type, value) { this.type = type; this.value = value === undefined ? true : value; } } class Path { constructor(segments = [], allowsChild) { this._segments = segments; this._allowsChild = allowsChild; } clone() { return new Path(this._segments.slice(), this._allowsChild); } with(segment) { let index = this._segments.length - 1; do { if (this._allowsChild(this._segments[index], segment)) { // pop the elements that didn't allow the new segment as a child const newSegments = this._segments.slice(0, index + 1); newSegments.push(segment); return new Path(newSegments, this._allowsChild); } index -= 1; } while(index >= -1); // allow -1 as well so we check if the segment is allowed as root return null; } until(type) { const index = this._segments.findIndex(s => s.type === type); if (index !== -1) { return new Path(this._segments.slice(0, index + 1), this._allowsChild) } return new Path([], this._allowsChild); } get(type) { return this._segments.find(s => s.type === type); } get segments() { return this._segments; } } /** * custom observable so it always returns what is in navigation.path, even if we haven't emitted the change yet. * This ensures that observers of a segment can also read the most recent value of other segments. */ class SegmentObservable extends BaseObservableValue { constructor(navigation, type) { super(); this._navigation = navigation; this._type = type; this._lastSetValue = navigation.path.get(type)?.value; } get() { const path = this._navigation.path; const segment = path.get(this._type); const value = segment?.value; return value; } emitIfChanged() { const newValue = this.get(); if (!segmentValueEqual(newValue, this._lastSetValue)) { this._lastSetValue = newValue; this.emit(newValue); } } } export function tests() { function createMockNavigation() { return new Navigation((parent, {type}) => { switch (parent?.type) { case undefined: return type === "1" || "2"; case "1": return type === "1.1"; case "1.1": return type === "1.1.1"; case "2": return type === "2.1" || "2.2"; default: return false; } }); } function observeTypes(nav, types) { const changes = []; for (const type of types) { nav.observe(type).subscribe(value => { changes.push({type, value}); }); } return changes; } return { "applying a path emits an event on the observable": assert => { const nav = createMockNavigation(); const path = nav.pathFrom([ new Segment("2", 7), new Segment("2.2", 8), ]); assert.equal(path.segments.length, 2); let changes = observeTypes(nav, ["2", "2.2"]); nav.applyPath(path); assert.equal(changes.length, 2); assert.equal(changes[0].type, "2"); assert.equal(changes[0].value, 7); assert.equal(changes[1].type, "2.2"); assert.equal(changes[1].value, 8); }, "path.get": assert => { const path = new Path([new Segment("foo", 5), new Segment("bar", 6)], () => true); assert.equal(path.get("foo").value, 5); assert.equal(path.get("bar").value, 6); } }; }