const cssvariables = require("postcss-css-variables"); const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer"); const flexbugsFixes = require("postcss-flexbugs-fixes"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const injectWebManifest = require("./scripts/build-plugins/manifest"); const injectServiceWorker = require("./scripts/build-plugins/service-worker"); // const legacyBuild = require("./scripts/build-plugins/legacy-build"); // we could also just import {version} from "../../package.json" where needed, // but this won't work in the service worker yet as it is not transformed yet // TODO: we should emit a chunk early on and then transform the asset again once we know all the other assets to cache const version = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "package.json"), "utf8")).version; const {defineConfig} = require("vite"); let polyfillSrc; let polyfillRef; export default { public: false, root: "src/platform/web", server: { hmr: false }, resolve: { alias: { // these should only be imported by the base-x package in any runtime code // and works in the browser with a Uint8Array shim, // rather than including a ton of polyfill code "safe-buffer": "./scripts/package-overrides/safe-buffer/index.js", "buffer": "./scripts/package-overrides/buffer/index.js", } }, build: { outDir: "../../../target", emptyOutDir: true, minify: true, sourcemap: false, assetsInlineLimit: 0, polyfillModulePreload: false, }, plugins: [ // legacyBuild(scriptTagPath(path.join(__dirname, "src/platform/web/index.html"), 0), { // "./Platform": "./LegacyPlatform" // }, "hydrogen-legacy", [ // './legacy-polyfill', // ]), injectWebManifest("assets/manifest.json"), injectServiceWorker("sw.js"), ], define: { "HYDROGEN_VERSION": JSON.stringify(version) }, css: { postcss: { plugins: [ cssvariables({ preserve: (declaration) => { return declaration.value.indexOf("var(--ios-") == 0; } }), // the grid option creates some source fragment that causes the vite warning reporter to crash because // it wants to log a warning on a line that does not exist in the source fragment. // autoprefixer({overrideBrowserslist: ["IE 11"], grid: "no-autoplace"}), flexbugsFixes() ] } } }; function scriptTagPath(htmlFile, index) { return `${htmlFile}?html-proxy&index=${index}.js`; }