import { MessageBody, HeaderBlock, TableBlock, ListBlock, CodeBlock, PillPart, FormatPart, NewLinePart, RulePart, TextPart, LinkPart, ImagePart } from "./MessageBody.js" import { linkify } from "./linkify/linkify.js"; import { parsePillLink } from "./pills.js" /* At the time of writing (Jul 1 2021), Matrix Spec recommends * allowing the following HTML tags: * font, del, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, blockquote, p, a, ul, ol, sup, sub, li, b, i, u, * strong, em, strike, code, hr, br, div, table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td, caption, pre, span, img */ /** * Nodes that don't have any properties to them other than their tag. * While has `href`, and has `src`, these have... themselves. */ const basicInline = ["EM", "STRONG", "CODE", "DEL", "SPAN" ]; const basicBlock = ["DIV", "BLOCKQUOTE"]; const safeSchemas = ["https", "http", "ftp", "mailto", "magnet"].map(name => `${name}://`); class Deserializer { constructor(result, mediaRepository) { this.result = result; this.mediaRepository = mediaRepository; } parseLink(node, children) { const href = this.result.getAttributeValue(node, "href"); const lcUrl = href?.toLowerCase(); // urls should be absolute and with a safe schema, as listed in the spec if (!lcUrl || !safeSchemas.some(schema => lcUrl.startsWith(schema))) { return new FormatPart("span", children); } const pillData = parsePillLink(href); if (pillData && pillData.userId) { return new PillPart(pillData.userId, href, children); } return new LinkPart(href, children); } parseList(node) { const result = this.result; let start = null; if (result.getNodeElementName(node) === "OL") { // Will return 1 for, say, '1A', which may not be intended? start = parseInt(result.getAttributeValue(node, "start")) || 1; } const nodes = []; for (const child of result.getChildNodes(node)) { if (result.getNodeElementName(child) !== "LI") { continue; } const item = this.parseAnyNodes(result.getChildNodes(child)); nodes.push(item); } return new ListBlock(start, nodes); } _ensureElement(node, tag) { return node && this.result.isElementNode(node) && this.result.getNodeElementName(node) === tag; } parseCodeBlock(node) { const result = this.result; let codeNode; for (const child of result.getChildNodes(node)) { codeNode = child; break; } if (!this._ensureElement(codeNode, "CODE")) { return null; } let language = ""; const cl = result.getAttributeValue(codeNode, "class") || "" for (const clname of cl.split(" ")) { if (clname.startsWith("language-") && !clname.startsWith("language-_")) { language = clname.substring(9) // "language-".length break; } } return new CodeBlock(language, codeNode.textContent); } parseImage(node) { const result = this.result; const src = result.getAttributeValue(node, "src") || ""; const url = this.mediaRepository.mxcUrl(src); // We just ignore non-mxc `src` attributes. if (!url) { return null; } const width = parseInt(result.getAttributeValue(node, "width")) || null; const height = parseInt(result.getAttributeValue(node, "height")) || null; const alt = result.getAttributeValue(node, "alt"); const title = result.getAttributeValue(node, "title"); return new ImagePart(url, width, height, alt, title); } parseTableRow(row, tag) { const cells = []; for (const node of this.result.getChildNodes(row)) { if(!this._ensureElement(node, tag)) { continue; } const children = this.result.getChildNodes(node); const inlines = this.parseInlineNodes(children); cells.push(inlines); } return cells; } parseTableHead(head) { let headRow = null; for (const node of this.result.getChildNodes(head)) { headRow = node; break; } if (this._ensureElement(headRow, "TR")) { return this.parseTableRow(headRow, "TH"); } return null; } parseTableBody(body) { const rows = []; for (const node of this.result.getChildNodes(body)) { if(!this._ensureElement(node, "TR")) { continue; } rows.push(this.parseTableRow(node, "TD")); } return rows; } parseTable(node) { // We are only assuming iterable, so convert to arrary for indexing. const children = Array.from(this.result.getChildNodes(node)); let head, body; if (this._ensureElement(children[0], "THEAD") && this._ensureElement(children[1], "TBODY")) { head = this.parseTableHead(children[0]); body = this.parseTableBody(children[1]); } else if (this._ensureElement(children[0], "TBODY")) { head = null; body = this.parseTableBody(children[0]); } return new TableBlock(head, body); } /** Once a node is known to be an element, * attempt to interpret it as an inline element. * * @returns the inline message part, or null if the element * is not inline or not allowed. */ parseInlineElement(node) { const result = this.result; const tag = result.getNodeElementName(node); const children = result.getChildNodes(node); switch (tag) { case "A": { const inlines = this.parseInlineNodes(children); return this.parseLink(node, inlines); } case "BR": return new NewLinePart(); default: { if (!basicInline.includes(tag)) { return null; } const inlines = this.parseInlineNodes(children); return new FormatPart(tag, inlines); } } } /** Attempt to interpret a node as inline. * * @returns the inline message part, or null if the * element is not inline or not allowed. */ parseInlineNode(node) { if (this.result.isElementNode(node)) { return this.parseInlineElement(node); } return null; } /** Once a node is known to be an element, attempt * to interpret it as a block element. * * @returns the block message part, or null of the * element is not a block or not allowed. */ parseBlockElement(node) { const result = this.result; const tag = result.getNodeElementName(node); const children = result.getChildNodes(node); switch (tag) { case "H1": case "H2": case "H3": case "H4": case "H5": case "H6": { const inlines = this.parseInlineNodes(children); return new HeaderBlock(parseInt(tag[1]), inlines) } case "UL": case "OL": return this.parseList(node); case "PRE": return this.parseCodeBlock(node); case "HR": return new RulePart(); case "IMG": return this.parseImage(node); case "P": { const inlines = this.parseInlineNodes(children); return new FormatPart(tag, inlines); } case "TABLE": return this.parseTable(node); default: { if (!basicBlock.includes(tag)) { return null; } const blocks = this.parseAnyNodes(children); return new FormatPart(tag, blocks); } } } /** Attempt to parse a node as a block. * * @return the block message part, or null if the node * is not a block element. */ parseBlockNode(node) { if (this.result.isElementNode(node)) { return this.parseBlockElement(node); } return null; } _parseTextParts(node, into) { if(!this.result.isTextNode(node)) { return false; } // XXX pretty much identical to `MessageBody`'s. const linkifyCallback = (text, isLink) => { if (isLink) { into.push(new LinkPart(text, [new TextPart(text)])); } else { into.push(new TextPart(text)); } }; linkify(this.result.getNodeText(node), linkifyCallback); return true; } _parseInlineNodes(nodes, into) { for (const htmlNode of nodes) { if (this._parseTextParts(htmlNode, into)) { // This was a text node, and we already // dumped its parts into our list. continue; } const node = this.parseInlineNode(htmlNode); if (node) { into.push(node); continue; } // Node is either block or unrecognized. In // both cases, just move on to its children. this._parseInlineNodes(this.result.getChildNodes(htmlNode), into); } } parseInlineNodes(nodes) { const into = []; this._parseInlineNodes(nodes, into); return into; } // XXX very similar to `_parseInlineNodes`. _parseAnyNodes(nodes, into) { for (const htmlNode of nodes) { if (this._parseTextParts(htmlNode, into)) { // This was a text node, and we already // dumped its parts into our list. continue; } const node = this.parseInlineNode(htmlNode) || this.parseBlockNode(htmlNode); if (node) { into.push(node); continue; } // Node is unrecognized. Just move on to its children. this._parseAnyNodes(this.result.getChildNodes(htmlNode), into); } } parseAnyNodes(nodes) { const into = []; this._parseAnyNodes(nodes, into); return into; } } export function parseHTMLBody(platform, mediaRepository, html) { const parseResult = platform.parseHTML(html); const deserializer = new Deserializer(parseResult, mediaRepository); const parts = deserializer.parseAnyNodes(parseResult.rootNodes); return new MessageBody(html, parts); } import parse from '../../../../../lib/node-html-parser/index.js'; export function tests() { class HTMLParseResult { constructor(bodyNode) { this._bodyNode = bodyNode; } get rootNodes() { return this._bodyNode.childNodes; } getChildNodes(node) { return node.childNodes; } getAttributeNames(node) { return node.getAttributeNames(); } getAttributeValue(node, attr) { return node.getAttribute(attr); } isTextNode(node) { return !node.tagName; } getNodeText(node) { return node.text; } isElementNode(node) { return !!node.tagName; } getNodeElementName(node) { return node.tagName; } } const platform = { parseHTML: (html) => new HTMLParseResult(parse(html)) }; function test(assert, input, output) { assert.deepEqual(parseHTMLBody(platform, null, input), new MessageBody(input, output)); } return { "Text only": assert => { const input = "This is a sentence"; const output = [new TextPart(input)]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Text with inline code format": assert => { const input = "Here's some code!"; const output = [ new TextPart("Here's "), new FormatPart("em", [new TextPart("some")]), new TextPart(" "), new FormatPart("code", [new TextPart("code")]), new TextPart("!") ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Text with ordered list with no attributes": assert => { const input = "
  1. Lorem
  2. Ipsum
"; const output = [ new ListBlock(1, [ [ new TextPart("Lorem") ], [ new TextPart("Ipsum") ] ]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Text with ordered list starting at 3": assert => { const input = '
  1. Lorem
  2. Ipsum
'; const output = [ new ListBlock(3, [ [ new TextPart("Lorem") ], [ new TextPart("Ipsum") ] ]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Text with unordered list": assert => { const input = ''; const output = [ new ListBlock(null, [ [ new TextPart("Lorem") ], [ new TextPart("Ipsum") ] ]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Auto-closed tags": assert => { const input = '



'; const output = [ new FormatPart("p", [new TextPart("hello")]), new FormatPart("p", [new TextPart("world")]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Block elements ignored inside inline elements": assert => { const input = '


'; const output = [ new FormatPart("span", [new FormatPart("code", [new TextPart("Hello")])]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Unknown tags are ignored, but their children are kept": assert => { const input = 'Hello
'; const output = [ new FormatPart("span", [ new FormatPart("code", [new TextPart("Hello")]), new FormatPart("em", [new TextPart("World")]) ]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, "Unknown and invalid attributes are stripped": assert => { const input = 'Hello'; const output = [ new FormatPart("em", [new TextPart("Hello")]) ]; test(assert, input, output); }, /* Doesnt work: HTML library doesn't handle
        "Text with code block": assert => {
            const code = 'main :: IO ()\nmain = putStrLn "Hello"'
            const input = `
`; const output = [ new CodeBlock(null, code) ]; test(assert, input, output); } */ }; }