import { ObservableArray } from "../../../observable/index.js"; import sortedIndex from "../../../utils/sortedIndex.js"; import GapWriter from "./persistence/GapWriter.js"; import TimelineReader from "./persistence/TimelineReader.js"; export default class Timeline { constructor({roomId, storage, closeCallback, fragmentIdComparer}) { this._roomId = roomId; this._storage = storage; this._closeCallback = closeCallback; this._entriesList = new ObservableArray(); this._fragmentIdComparer = fragmentIdComparer; this._timelineReader = new TimelineReader({ roomId: this._roomId, storage: this._storage, fragmentIdComparer: this._fragmentIdComparer }); } /** @package */ async load() { const entries = this._timelineReader.readFromEnd(100); for (const entry of entries) { this._entriesList.append(entry); } } /** @package */ appendLiveEntries(newEntries) { for (const entry of newEntries) { this._entriesList.append(entry); } } /** @public */ async fillGap(fragmentEntry, amount) { const response = await this._hsApi.messages(this._roomId, { from: fragmentEntry.token, dir: fragmentEntry.direction.asApiString(), limit: amount }); const gapWriter = new GapWriter({ roomId: this._roomId, storage: this._storage, fragmentIdComparer: this._fragmentIdComparer }); const newEntries = await gapWriter.writerFragmentFill(fragmentEntry, response); // find where to replace existing gap with newEntries by doing binary search const gapIdx = sortedIndex(this._entriesList.array, fragmentEntry, (fragmentEntry, entry) => { return; }); // only replace the gap if it's currently in the timeline if ( === fragmentEntry) { this._entriesList.removeAt(gapIdx); this._entriesList.insertMany(gapIdx, newEntries); } } async loadAtTop(amount) { // TODO: use TimelineReader::readFrom here, and insert returned array at location for first and last entry. const firstEntry =; if (firstEntry) { const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.timelineEvents]); const topEntries = await txn.roomTimeline.eventsBefore(this._roomId, firstEntry.sortKey, amount); this._entriesList.insertMany(0, topEntries); return topEntries.length; } } /** @public */ get entries() { return this._entriesList; } /** @public */ close() { this._closeCallback(); } }