diff --git a/src/matrix/calls/Call.ts b/src/matrix/calls/Call.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6ac4612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrix/calls/Call.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2493 @@
+Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
+Copyright 2017 New Vector Ltd
+Copyright 2019, 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import {
+ MCallReplacesEvent,
+ MCallAnswer,
+ MCallInviteNegotiate,
+ CallCapabilities,
+ SDPStreamMetadataPurpose,
+ SDPStreamMetadata,
+ SDPStreamMetadataKey,
+ MCallSDPStreamMetadataChanged,
+ MCallSelectAnswer,
+ MCAllAssertedIdentity,
+ MCallCandidates,
+ MCallBase,
+ MCallHangupReject,
+} from './callEventTypes';
+import { CallFeed } from './CallFeed';
+// events: hangup, error(err), replaced(call), state(state, oldState)
+ * Fires whenever an error occurs when call.js encounters an issue with setting up the call.
+ *
+ * The error given will have a code equal to either `MatrixCall.ERR_LOCAL_OFFER_FAILED` or
+ * `MatrixCall.ERR_NO_USER_MEDIA`. `ERR_LOCAL_OFFER_FAILED` is emitted when the local client
+ * fails to create an offer. `ERR_NO_USER_MEDIA` is emitted when the user has denied access
+ * to their audio/video hardware.
+ *
+ * @event module:webrtc/call~MatrixCall#"error"
+ * @param {Error} err The error raised by MatrixCall.
+ * @example
+ * matrixCall.on("error", function(err){
+ * console.error(err.code, err);
+ * });
+ */
+interface CallOpts {
+ roomId?: string;
+ invitee?: string;
+ client?: any; // Fix when client is TSified
+ forceTURN?: boolean;
+ turnServers?: Array;
+ opponentDeviceId?: string;
+ opponentSessionId?: string;
+ groupCallId?: string;
+interface TurnServer {
+ urls: Array;
+ username?: string;
+ password?: string;
+ ttl?: number;
+interface AssertedIdentity {
+ id: string;
+ displayName: string;
+export enum CallState {
+ Fledgling = 'fledgling',
+ InviteSent = 'invite_sent',
+ WaitLocalMedia = 'wait_local_media',
+ CreateOffer = 'create_offer',
+ CreateAnswer = 'create_answer',
+ Connecting = 'connecting',
+ Connected = 'connected',
+ Ringing = 'ringing',
+ Ended = 'ended',
+export enum CallType {
+ Voice = 'voice',
+ Video = 'video',
+export enum CallDirection {
+ Inbound = 'inbound',
+ Outbound = 'outbound',
+export enum CallParty {
+ Local = 'local',
+ Remote = 'remote',
+export enum CallEvent {
+ Hangup = 'hangup',
+ State = 'state',
+ Error = 'error',
+ Replaced = 'replaced',
+ // The value of isLocalOnHold() has changed
+ LocalHoldUnhold = 'local_hold_unhold',
+ // The value of isRemoteOnHold() has changed
+ RemoteHoldUnhold = 'remote_hold_unhold',
+ // backwards compat alias for LocalHoldUnhold: remove in a major version bump
+ HoldUnhold = 'hold_unhold',
+ // Feeds have changed
+ FeedsChanged = 'feeds_changed',
+ AssertedIdentityChanged = 'asserted_identity_changed',
+ LengthChanged = 'length_changed',
+ DataChannel = 'datachannel',
+ SendVoipEvent = "send_voip_event",
+export enum CallErrorCode {
+ /** The user chose to end the call */
+ UserHangup = 'user_hangup',
+ /** An error code when the local client failed to create an offer. */
+ LocalOfferFailed = 'local_offer_failed',
+ /**
+ * An error code when there is no local mic/camera to use. This may be because
+ * the hardware isn't plugged in, or the user has explicitly denied access.
+ */
+ NoUserMedia = 'no_user_media',
+ /**
+ * Error code used when a call event failed to send
+ * because unknown devices were present in the room
+ */
+ UnknownDevices = 'unknown_devices',
+ /**
+ * Error code used when we fail to send the invite
+ * for some reason other than there being unknown devices
+ */
+ SendInvite = 'send_invite',
+ /**
+ * An answer could not be created
+ */
+ CreateAnswer = 'create_answer',
+ /**
+ * Error code used when we fail to send the answer
+ * for some reason other than there being unknown devices
+ */
+ SendAnswer = 'send_answer',
+ /**
+ * The session description from the other side could not be set
+ */
+ SetRemoteDescription = 'set_remote_description',
+ /**
+ * The session description from this side could not be set
+ */
+ SetLocalDescription = 'set_local_description',
+ /**
+ * A different device answered the call
+ */
+ AnsweredElsewhere = 'answered_elsewhere',
+ /**
+ * No media connection could be established to the other party
+ */
+ IceFailed = 'ice_failed',
+ /**
+ * The invite timed out whilst waiting for an answer
+ */
+ InviteTimeout = 'invite_timeout',
+ /**
+ * The call was replaced by another call
+ */
+ Replaced = 'replaced',
+ /**
+ * Signalling for the call could not be sent (other than the initial invite)
+ */
+ SignallingFailed = 'signalling_timeout',
+ /**
+ * The remote party is busy
+ */
+ UserBusy = 'user_busy',
+ /**
+ * We transferred the call off to somewhere else
+ */
+ Transfered = 'transferred',
+ /**
+ * A call from the same user was found with a new session id
+ */
+ NewSession = 'new_session',
+ * The version field that we set in m.call.* events
+ */
+/** The fallback ICE server to use for STUN or TURN protocols. */
+const FALLBACK_ICE_SERVER = 'stun:turn.matrix.org';
+/** The length of time a call can be ringing for. */
+const CALL_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
+const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
+export class CallError extends Error {
+ code: string;
+ constructor(code: CallErrorCode, msg: string, err: Error) {
+ // Still don't think there's any way to have proper nested errors
+ super(msg + ": " + err);
+ this.code = code;
+ }
+export function genCallID(): string {
+ return Date.now().toString() + randomString(16);
+ * Construct a new Matrix Call.
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} opts Config options.
+ * @param {string} opts.roomId The room ID for this call.
+ * @param {Object} opts.webRtc The WebRTC globals from the browser.
+ * @param {boolean} opts.forceTURN whether relay through TURN should be forced.
+ * @param {Object} opts.URL The URL global.
+ * @param {Array} opts.turnServers Optional. A list of TURN servers.
+ * @param {MatrixClient} opts.client The Matrix Client instance to send events to.
+ */
+export class MatrixCall extends EventEmitter {
+ public roomId: string;
+ public callId: string;
+ public invitee?: string;
+ public state = CallState.Fledgling;
+ public hangupParty: CallParty;
+ public hangupReason: string;
+ public direction: CallDirection;
+ public ourPartyId: string;
+ public peerConn?: RTCPeerConnection;
+ private client: MatrixClient;
+ private forceTURN: boolean;
+ private turnServers: Array;
+ // A queue for candidates waiting to go out.
+ // We try to amalgamate candidates into a single candidate message where
+ // possible
+ private candidateSendQueue: Array = [];
+ private candidateSendTries = 0;
+ private sentEndOfCandidates = false;
+ private feeds: Array = [];
+ private usermediaSenders: Array = [];
+ private screensharingSenders: Array = [];
+ private inviteOrAnswerSent = false;
+ private waitForLocalAVStream: boolean;
+ private successor: MatrixCall;
+ private opponentMember: RoomMember;
+ private opponentVersion: number | string;
+ // The party ID of the other side: undefined if we haven't chosen a partner
+ // yet, null if we have but they didn't send a party ID.
+ private opponentPartyId: string;
+ private opponentCaps: CallCapabilities;
+ private inviteTimeout: number;
+ private iceDisconnectedTimeout: number;
+ // The logic of when & if a call is on hold is nontrivial and explained in is*OnHold
+ // This flag represents whether we want the other party to be on hold
+ private remoteOnHold = false;
+ // the stats for the call at the point it ended. We can't get these after we
+ // tear the call down, so we just grab a snapshot before we stop the call.
+ // The typescript definitions have this type as 'any' :(
+ private callStatsAtEnd: any[];
+ // Perfect negotiation state: https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#perfect-negotiation-example
+ private makingOffer = false;
+ private ignoreOffer: boolean;
+ private responsePromiseChain?: Promise;
+ // If candidates arrive before we've picked an opponent (which, in particular,
+ // will happen if the opponent sends candidates eagerly before the user answers
+ // the call) we buffer them up here so we can then add the ones from the party we pick
+ private remoteCandidateBuffer = new Map();
+ private remoteAssertedIdentity: AssertedIdentity;
+ private remoteSDPStreamMetadata: SDPStreamMetadata;
+ private callLengthInterval: number;
+ private callLength = 0;
+ private opponentDeviceId: string;
+ private opponentSessionId: string;
+ public groupCallId: string;
+ constructor(opts: CallOpts) {
+ super();
+ this.roomId = opts.roomId;
+ this.invitee = opts.invitee;
+ this.client = opts.client;
+ this.forceTURN = opts.forceTURN;
+ this.ourPartyId = this.client.deviceId;
+ this.opponentDeviceId = opts.opponentDeviceId;
+ this.opponentSessionId = opts.opponentSessionId;
+ this.groupCallId = opts.groupCallId;
+ // Array of Objects with urls, username, credential keys
+ this.turnServers = opts.turnServers || [];
+ if (this.turnServers.length === 0 && this.client.isFallbackICEServerAllowed()) {
+ this.turnServers.push({
+ });
+ }
+ for (const server of this.turnServers) {
+ utils.checkObjectHasKeys(server, ["urls"]);
+ }
+ this.callId = genCallID();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place a voice call to this room.
+ * @throws If you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ */
+ public async placeVoiceCall(): Promise {
+ await this.placeCall(true, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place a video call to this room.
+ * @throws If you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ */
+ public async placeVideoCall(): Promise {
+ await this.placeCall(true, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a datachannel using this call's peer connection.
+ * @param label A human readable label for this datachannel
+ * @param options An object providing configuration options for the data channel.
+ */
+ public createDataChannel(label: string, options: RTCDataChannelInit) {
+ const dataChannel = this.peerConn.createDataChannel(label, options);
+ this.emit(CallEvent.DataChannel, dataChannel);
+ return dataChannel;
+ }
+ public getOpponentMember(): RoomMember {
+ return this.opponentMember;
+ }
+ public getOpponentSessionId(): string {
+ return this.opponentSessionId;
+ }
+ public opponentCanBeTransferred(): boolean {
+ return Boolean(this.opponentCaps && this.opponentCaps["m.call.transferee"]);
+ }
+ public opponentSupportsDTMF(): boolean {
+ return Boolean(this.opponentCaps && this.opponentCaps["m.call.dtmf"]);
+ }
+ public getRemoteAssertedIdentity(): AssertedIdentity {
+ return this.remoteAssertedIdentity;
+ }
+ public get type(): CallType {
+ return (this.hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack || this.hasRemoteUserMediaVideoTrack)
+ ? CallType.Video
+ : CallType.Voice;
+ }
+ public get hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack(): boolean {
+ return this.localUsermediaStream?.getVideoTracks().length > 0;
+ }
+ public get hasRemoteUserMediaVideoTrack(): boolean {
+ return this.getRemoteFeeds().some((feed) => {
+ return (
+ feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia &&
+ feed.stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ public get hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack(): boolean {
+ return this.localUsermediaStream?.getAudioTracks().length > 0;
+ }
+ public get hasRemoteUserMediaAudioTrack(): boolean {
+ return this.getRemoteFeeds().some((feed) => {
+ return (
+ feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia &&
+ feed.stream.getAudioTracks().length > 0
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ public get localUsermediaFeed(): CallFeed {
+ return this.getLocalFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia);
+ }
+ public get localScreensharingFeed(): CallFeed {
+ return this.getLocalFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare);
+ }
+ public get localUsermediaStream(): MediaStream {
+ return this.localUsermediaFeed?.stream;
+ }
+ public get localScreensharingStream(): MediaStream {
+ return this.localScreensharingFeed?.stream;
+ }
+ public get remoteUsermediaFeed(): CallFeed {
+ return this.getRemoteFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia);
+ }
+ public get remoteScreensharingFeed(): CallFeed {
+ return this.getRemoteFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare);
+ }
+ public get remoteUsermediaStream(): MediaStream {
+ return this.remoteUsermediaFeed?.stream;
+ }
+ public get remoteScreensharingStream(): MediaStream {
+ return this.remoteScreensharingFeed?.stream;
+ }
+ private getFeedByStreamId(streamId: string): CallFeed {
+ return this.getFeeds().find((feed) => feed.stream.id === streamId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all CallFeeds
+ * @returns {Array} CallFeeds
+ */
+ public getFeeds(): Array {
+ return this.feeds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all local CallFeeds
+ * @returns {Array} local CallFeeds
+ */
+ public getLocalFeeds(): Array {
+ return this.feeds.filter((feed) => feed.isLocal());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all remote CallFeeds
+ * @returns {Array} remote CallFeeds
+ */
+ public getRemoteFeeds(): Array {
+ return this.feeds.filter((feed) => !feed.isLocal());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates and returns localSDPStreamMetadata
+ * @returns {SDPStreamMetadata} localSDPStreamMetadata
+ */
+ private getLocalSDPStreamMetadata(updateStreamIds = false): SDPStreamMetadata {
+ const metadata: SDPStreamMetadata = {};
+ for (const localFeed of this.getLocalFeeds()) {
+ if (updateStreamIds) {
+ localFeed.sdpMetadataStreamId = localFeed.stream.id;
+ }
+ metadata[localFeed.sdpMetadataStreamId] = {
+ purpose: localFeed.purpose,
+ audio_muted: localFeed.isAudioMuted(),
+ video_muted: localFeed.isVideoMuted(),
+ };
+ }
+ return metadata;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if there are no incoming feeds,
+ * otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} no incoming feeds
+ */
+ public noIncomingFeeds(): boolean {
+ return !this.feeds.some((feed) => !feed.isLocal());
+ }
+ private pushRemoteFeed(stream: MediaStream): void {
+ // Fallback to old behavior if the other side doesn't support SDPStreamMetadata
+ if (!this.opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata()) {
+ this.pushRemoteFeedWithoutMetadata(stream);
+ return;
+ }
+ const userId = this.getOpponentMember().userId;
+ const purpose = this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[stream.id].purpose;
+ const audioMuted = this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[stream.id].audio_muted;
+ const videoMuted = this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[stream.id].video_muted;
+ if (!purpose) {
+ logger.warn(`Ignoring stream with id ${stream.id} because we didn't get any metadata about it`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try to find a feed with the same purpose as the new stream,
+ // if we find it replace the old stream with the new one
+ const existingFeed = this.getRemoteFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === purpose);
+ if (existingFeed) {
+ existingFeed.setNewStream(stream);
+ } else {
+ this.feeds.push(new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ userId,
+ stream,
+ purpose,
+ audioMuted,
+ videoMuted,
+ }));
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ logger.info(`Pushed remote stream (id="${stream.id}", active="${stream.active}", purpose=${purpose})`);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used ONLY if the other client doesn't support sending SDPStreamMetadata
+ */
+ private pushRemoteFeedWithoutMetadata(stream: MediaStream): void {
+ const userId = this.getOpponentMember().userId;
+ // We can guess the purpose here since the other client can only send one stream
+ const purpose = SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia;
+ const oldRemoteStream = this.feeds.find((feed) => !feed.isLocal())?.stream;
+ // Note that we check by ID and always set the remote stream: Chrome appears
+ // to make new stream objects when transceiver directionality is changed and the 'active'
+ // status of streams change - Dave
+ // If we already have a stream, check this stream has the same id
+ if (oldRemoteStream && stream.id !== oldRemoteStream.id) {
+ logger.warn(`Ignoring new stream ID ${stream.id}: we already have stream ID ${oldRemoteStream.id}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try to find a feed with the same stream id as the new stream,
+ // if we find it replace the old stream with the new one
+ const feed = this.getFeedByStreamId(stream.id);
+ if (feed) {
+ feed.setNewStream(stream);
+ } else {
+ this.feeds.push(new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ audioMuted: false,
+ videoMuted: false,
+ userId,
+ stream,
+ purpose,
+ }));
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ logger.info(`Pushed remote stream (id="${stream.id}", active="${stream.active}")`);
+ }
+ private pushNewLocalFeed(stream: MediaStream, purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose, addToPeerConnection = true): void {
+ const userId = this.client.getUserId();
+ // TODO: Find out what is going on here
+ // why do we enable audio (and only audio) tracks here? -- matthew
+ setTracksEnabled(stream.getAudioTracks(), true);
+ // We try to replace an existing feed if there already is one with the same purpose
+ const existingFeed = this.getLocalFeeds().find((feed) => feed.purpose === purpose);
+ if (existingFeed) {
+ existingFeed.setNewStream(stream);
+ } else {
+ this.pushLocalFeed(
+ new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ audioMuted: stream.getAudioTracks().length === 0,
+ videoMuted: stream.getVideoTracks().length === 0,
+ userId,
+ stream,
+ purpose,
+ }),
+ addToPeerConnection,
+ );
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pushes supplied feed to the call
+ * @param {CallFeed} callFeed to push
+ * @param {boolean} addToPeerConnection whether to add the tracks to the peer connection
+ */
+ public pushLocalFeed(callFeed: CallFeed, addToPeerConnection = true): void {
+ if (this.feeds.some((feed) => callFeed.stream.id === feed.stream.id)) {
+ logger.info(`Ignoring duplicate local stream ${callFeed.stream.id} in call ${this.callId}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.feeds.push(callFeed);
+ if (addToPeerConnection) {
+ const senderArray = callFeed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia ?
+ this.usermediaSenders : this.screensharingSenders;
+ // Empty the array
+ senderArray.splice(0, senderArray.length);
+ for (const track of callFeed.stream.getTracks()) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Adding track (` +
+ `id="${track.id}", ` +
+ `kind="${track.kind}", ` +
+ `streamId="${callFeed.stream.id}", ` +
+ `streamPurpose="${callFeed.purpose}"` +
+ `) to peer connection`,
+ );
+ senderArray.push(this.peerConn.addTrack(track, callFeed.stream));
+ }
+ }
+ logger.info(
+ `Pushed local stream `+
+ `(id="${callFeed.stream.id}", `+
+ `active="${callFeed.stream.active}", `+
+ `purpose="${callFeed.purpose}")`,
+ );
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes local call feed from the call and its tracks from the peer
+ * connection
+ * @param callFeed to remove
+ */
+ public removeLocalFeed(callFeed: CallFeed): void {
+ const senderArray = callFeed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia
+ ? this.usermediaSenders
+ : this.screensharingSenders;
+ for (const sender of senderArray) {
+ this.peerConn.removeTrack(sender);
+ }
+ if (callFeed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare) {
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(callFeed.stream);
+ }
+ // Empty the array
+ senderArray.splice(0, senderArray.length);
+ this.deleteFeed(callFeed);
+ }
+ private deleteAllFeeds(): void {
+ for (const feed of this.feeds) {
+ if (!feed.isLocal() || !this.groupCallId) {
+ feed.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ this.feeds = [];
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ private deleteFeedByStream(stream: MediaStream): void {
+ const feed = this.getFeedByStreamId(stream.id);
+ if (!feed) {
+ logger.warn(`Didn't find the feed with stream id ${stream.id} to delete`);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.deleteFeed(feed);
+ }
+ private deleteFeed(feed: CallFeed): void {
+ feed.dispose();
+ this.feeds.splice(this.feeds.indexOf(feed), 1);
+ this.emit(CallEvent.FeedsChanged, this.feeds);
+ }
+ // The typescript definitions have this type as 'any' :(
+ public async getCurrentCallStats(): Promise {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ return this.callStatsAtEnd;
+ }
+ return this.collectCallStats();
+ }
+ private async collectCallStats(): Promise {
+ // This happens when the call fails before it starts.
+ // For example when we fail to get capture sources
+ if (!this.peerConn) return;
+ const statsReport = await this.peerConn.getStats();
+ const stats = [];
+ for (const item of statsReport) {
+ stats.push(item[1]);
+ }
+ return stats;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configure this call from an invite event. Used by MatrixClient.
+ * @param {MatrixEvent} event The m.call.invite event
+ */
+ public async initWithInvite(event: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ const invite = event.getContent();
+ this.direction = CallDirection.Inbound;
+ // make sure we have valid turn creds. Unless something's gone wrong, it should
+ // poll and keep the credentials valid so this should be instant.
+ const haveTurnCreds = await this.client.checkTurnServers();
+ if (!haveTurnCreds) {
+ logger.warn("Failed to get TURN credentials! Proceeding with call anyway...");
+ }
+ const sdpStreamMetadata = invite[SDPStreamMetadataKey];
+ if (sdpStreamMetadata) {
+ this.updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata(sdpStreamMetadata);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("Did not get any SDPStreamMetadata! Can not send/receive multiple streams");
+ }
+ this.peerConn = this.createPeerConnection();
+ // we must set the party ID before await-ing on anything: the call event
+ // handler will start giving us more call events (eg. candidates) so if
+ // we haven't set the party ID, we'll ignore them.
+ this.chooseOpponent(event);
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.setRemoteDescription(invite.offer);
+ await this.addBufferedIceCandidates();
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to set remote description", e);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.SetRemoteDescription, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ const remoteStream = this.feeds.find((feed) => !feed.isLocal())?.stream;
+ // According to previous comments in this file, firefox at some point did not
+ // add streams until media started arriving on them. Testing latest firefox
+ // (81 at time of writing), this is no longer a problem, so let's do it the correct way.
+ if (!remoteStream || remoteStream.getTracks().length === 0) {
+ logger.error("No remote stream or no tracks after setting remote description!");
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.SetRemoteDescription, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setState(CallState.Ringing);
+ if (event.getLocalAge()) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (this.state == CallState.Ringing) {
+ logger.debug("Call invite has expired. Hanging up.");
+ this.hangupParty = CallParty.Remote; // effectively
+ this.setState(CallState.Ended);
+ this.stopAllMedia();
+ if (this.peerConn.signalingState != 'closed') {
+ this.peerConn.close();
+ }
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Hangup);
+ }
+ }, invite.lifetime - event.getLocalAge());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configure this call from a hangup or reject event. Used by MatrixClient.
+ * @param {MatrixEvent} event The m.call.hangup event
+ */
+ public initWithHangup(event: MatrixEvent): void {
+ // perverse as it may seem, sometimes we want to instantiate a call with a
+ // hangup message (because when getting the state of the room on load, events
+ // come in reverse order and we want to remember that a call has been hung up)
+ this.setState(CallState.Ended);
+ }
+ private shouldAnswerWithMediaType(
+ wantedValue: boolean | undefined, valueOfTheOtherSide: boolean | undefined, type: "audio" | "video",
+ ): boolean {
+ if (wantedValue && !valueOfTheOtherSide) {
+ // TODO: Figure out how to do this
+ logger.warn(`Unable to answer with ${type} because the other side isn't sending it either.`);
+ return false;
+ } else if (
+ !utils.isNullOrUndefined(wantedValue) &&
+ wantedValue !== valueOfTheOtherSide &&
+ !this.opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata()
+ ) {
+ logger.warn(
+ `Unable to answer with ${type}=${wantedValue} because the other side doesn't support it. ` +
+ `Answering with ${type}=${valueOfTheOtherSide}.`,
+ );
+ return valueOfTheOtherSide;
+ }
+ return wantedValue ?? valueOfTheOtherSide;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Answer a call.
+ */
+ public async answer(audio?: boolean, video?: boolean): Promise {
+ if (this.inviteOrAnswerSent) return;
+ // TODO: Figure out how to do this
+ if (audio === false && video === false) throw new Error("You CANNOT answer a call without media");
+ if (!this.localUsermediaStream && !this.waitForLocalAVStream) {
+ const prevState = this.state;
+ const answerWithAudio = this.shouldAnswerWithMediaType(audio, this.hasRemoteUserMediaAudioTrack, "audio");
+ const answerWithVideo = this.shouldAnswerWithMediaType(video, this.hasRemoteUserMediaVideoTrack, "video");
+ this.setState(CallState.WaitLocalMedia);
+ this.waitForLocalAVStream = true;
+ try {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(
+ answerWithAudio, answerWithVideo,
+ );
+ this.waitForLocalAVStream = false;
+ const usermediaFeed = new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ userId: this.client.getUserId(),
+ stream,
+ purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia,
+ audioMuted: stream.getAudioTracks().length === 0,
+ videoMuted: stream.getVideoTracks().length === 0,
+ });
+ const feeds = [usermediaFeed];
+ if (this.localScreensharingFeed) {
+ feeds.push(this.localScreensharingFeed);
+ }
+ this.answerWithCallFeeds(feeds);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (answerWithVideo) {
+ // Try to answer without video
+ logger.warn("Failed to getUserMedia(), trying to getUserMedia() without video");
+ this.setState(prevState);
+ this.waitForLocalAVStream = false;
+ await this.answer(answerWithAudio, false);
+ } else {
+ this.getUserMediaFailed(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (this.waitForLocalAVStream) {
+ this.setState(CallState.WaitLocalMedia);
+ }
+ }
+ public answerWithCallFeeds(callFeeds: CallFeed[]): void {
+ if (this.inviteOrAnswerSent) return;
+ logger.debug(`Answering call ${this.callId}`);
+ this.queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace this call with a new call, e.g. for glare resolution. Used by
+ * MatrixClient.
+ * @param {MatrixCall} newCall The new call.
+ */
+ public replacedBy(newCall: MatrixCall): void {
+ if (this.state === CallState.WaitLocalMedia) {
+ logger.debug("Telling new call to wait for local media");
+ newCall.waitForLocalAVStream = true;
+ } else if ([CallState.CreateOffer, CallState.InviteSent].includes(this.state)) {
+ if (newCall.direction === CallDirection.Outbound) {
+ newCall.queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer([]);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("Handing local stream to new call");
+ newCall.queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer(this.getLocalFeeds().map(feed => feed.clone()));
+ }
+ }
+ this.successor = newCall;
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Replaced, newCall);
+ this.hangup(CallErrorCode.Replaced, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hangup a call.
+ * @param {string} reason The reason why the call is being hung up.
+ * @param {boolean} suppressEvent True to suppress emitting an event.
+ */
+ public hangup(reason: CallErrorCode, suppressEvent: boolean): void {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) return;
+ logger.debug("Ending call " + this.callId);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, reason, !suppressEvent);
+ // We don't want to send hangup here if we didn't even get to sending an invite
+ if (this.state === CallState.WaitLocalMedia) return;
+ const content = {};
+ // Don't send UserHangup reason to older clients
+ if ((this.opponentVersion && this.opponentVersion >= 1) || reason !== CallErrorCode.UserHangup) {
+ content["reason"] = reason;
+ }
+ this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallHangup, content);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reject a call
+ * This used to be done by calling hangup, but is a separate method and protocol
+ * event as of MSC2746.
+ */
+ public reject(): void {
+ if (this.state !== CallState.Ringing) {
+ throw Error("Call must be in 'ringing' state to reject!");
+ }
+ if (this.opponentVersion < 1) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Opponent version is less than 1 (${this.opponentVersion}): sending hangup instead of reject`,
+ );
+ this.hangup(CallErrorCode.UserHangup, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.debug("Rejecting call: " + this.callId);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.UserHangup, true);
+ this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallReject, {});
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds an audio and/or video track - upgrades the call
+ * @param {boolean} audio should add an audio track
+ * @param {boolean} video should add an video track
+ */
+ private async upgradeCall(
+ audio: boolean, video: boolean,
+ ): Promise {
+ // We don't do call downgrades
+ if (!audio && !video) return;
+ if (!this.opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata()) return;
+ try {
+ const upgradeAudio = audio && !this.hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack;
+ const upgradeVideo = video && !this.hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack;
+ logger.debug(`Upgrading call: audio?=${upgradeAudio} video?=${upgradeVideo}`);
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(upgradeAudio, upgradeVideo);
+ if (upgradeAudio && upgradeVideo) {
+ if (this.hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack) return;
+ if (this.hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack) return;
+ this.pushNewLocalFeed(stream, SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia);
+ } else if (upgradeAudio) {
+ if (this.hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack) return;
+ const audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
+ this.localUsermediaStream.addTrack(audioTrack);
+ this.peerConn.addTrack(audioTrack, this.localUsermediaStream);
+ } else if (upgradeVideo) {
+ if (this.hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack) return;
+ const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
+ this.localUsermediaStream.addTrack(videoTrack);
+ this.peerConn.addTrack(videoTrack, this.localUsermediaStream);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error("Failed to upgrade the call", error);
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Error,
+ new CallError(CallErrorCode.NoUserMedia, "Failed to get camera access: ", error),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata is defined, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} can screenshare
+ */
+ public opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata(): boolean {
+ return Boolean(this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If there is a screensharing stream returns true, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} is screensharing
+ */
+ public isScreensharing(): boolean {
+ return Boolean(this.localScreensharingStream);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts/stops screensharing
+ * @param enabled the desired screensharing state
+ * @param {string} desktopCapturerSourceId optional id of the desktop capturer source to use
+ * @returns {boolean} new screensharing state
+ */
+ public async setScreensharingEnabled(
+ enabled: boolean, desktopCapturerSourceId?: string,
+ ): Promise {
+ // Skip if there is nothing to do
+ if (enabled && this.isScreensharing()) {
+ logger.warn(`There is already a screensharing stream - there is nothing to do!`);
+ return true;
+ } else if (!enabled && !this.isScreensharing()) {
+ logger.warn(`There already isn't a screensharing stream - there is nothing to do!`);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Fallback to replaceTrack()
+ if (!this.opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata()) {
+ return await this.setScreensharingEnabledWithoutMetadataSupport(enabled, desktopCapturerSourceId);
+ }
+ logger.debug(`Set screensharing enabled? ${enabled}`);
+ if (enabled) {
+ try {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getScreensharingStream(desktopCapturerSourceId);
+ if (!stream) return false;
+ this.pushNewLocalFeed(stream, SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare);
+ return true;
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.error("Failed to get screen-sharing stream:", err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (const sender of this.screensharingSenders) {
+ this.peerConn.removeTrack(sender);
+ }
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(this.localScreensharingStream);
+ this.deleteFeedByStream(this.localScreensharingStream);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts/stops screensharing
+ * Should be used ONLY if the opponent doesn't support SDPStreamMetadata
+ * @param enabled the desired screensharing state
+ * @param {string} desktopCapturerSourceId optional id of the desktop capturer source to use
+ * @returns {boolean} new screensharing state
+ */
+ private async setScreensharingEnabledWithoutMetadataSupport(
+ enabled: boolean, desktopCapturerSourceId?: string,
+ ): Promise {
+ logger.debug(`Set screensharing enabled? ${enabled} using replaceTrack()`);
+ if (enabled) {
+ try {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getScreensharingStream(desktopCapturerSourceId);
+ if (!stream) return false;
+ const track = stream.getTracks().find((track) => {
+ return track.kind === "video";
+ });
+ const sender = this.usermediaSenders.find((sender) => {
+ return sender.track?.kind === "video";
+ });
+ sender.replaceTrack(track);
+ this.pushNewLocalFeed(stream, SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare, false);
+ return true;
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.error("Failed to get screen-sharing stream:", err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const track = this.localUsermediaStream.getTracks().find((track) => {
+ return track.kind === "video";
+ });
+ const sender = this.usermediaSenders.find((sender) => {
+ return sender.track?.kind === "video";
+ });
+ sender.replaceTrack(track);
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(this.localScreensharingStream);
+ this.deleteFeedByStream(this.localScreensharingStream);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Request a new local usermedia stream with the current device id.
+ */
+ public async updateLocalUsermediaStream(stream: MediaStream) {
+ const callFeed = this.localUsermediaFeed;
+ callFeed.setNewStream(stream);
+ const micShouldBeMuted = callFeed.isAudioMuted() || this.remoteOnHold;
+ const vidShouldBeMuted = callFeed.isVideoMuted() || this.remoteOnHold;
+ setTracksEnabled(stream.getAudioTracks(), !micShouldBeMuted);
+ setTracksEnabled(stream.getVideoTracks(), !vidShouldBeMuted);
+ const newSenders = [];
+ for (const track of stream.getTracks()) {
+ const oldSender = this.usermediaSenders.find((sender) => {
+ return sender.track?.kind === track.kind;
+ });
+ let newSender: RTCRtpSender;
+ try {
+ logger.info(
+ `Replacing track (` +
+ `id="${track.id}", ` +
+ `kind="${track.kind}", ` +
+ `streamId="${stream.id}", ` +
+ `streamPurpose="${callFeed.purpose}"` +
+ `) to peer connection`,
+ );
+ await oldSender.replaceTrack(track);
+ newSender = oldSender;
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Adding track (` +
+ `id="${track.id}", ` +
+ `kind="${track.kind}", ` +
+ `streamId="${stream.id}", ` +
+ `streamPurpose="${callFeed.purpose}"` +
+ `) to peer connection`,
+ );
+ newSender = this.peerConn.addTrack(track, stream);
+ }
+ newSenders.push(newSender);
+ }
+ this.usermediaSenders = newSenders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether our outbound video should be muted or not.
+ * @param {boolean} muted True to mute the outbound video.
+ * @returns the new mute state
+ */
+ public async setLocalVideoMuted(muted: boolean): Promise {
+ if (!await this.client.getMediaHandler().hasVideoDevice()) {
+ return this.isLocalVideoMuted();
+ }
+ if (!this.hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack && !muted) {
+ await this.upgradeCall(false, true);
+ return this.isLocalVideoMuted();
+ }
+ this.localUsermediaFeed?.setVideoMuted(muted);
+ this.updateMuteStatus();
+ return this.isLocalVideoMuted();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if local video is muted.
+ *
+ * If there are multiple video tracks, all of the tracks need to be muted
+ * for this to return true. This means if there are no video tracks, this will
+ * return true.
+ * @return {Boolean} True if the local preview video is muted, else false
+ * (including if the call is not set up yet).
+ */
+ public isLocalVideoMuted(): boolean {
+ return this.localUsermediaFeed?.isVideoMuted();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether the microphone should be muted or not.
+ * @param {boolean} muted True to mute the mic.
+ * @returns the new mute state
+ */
+ public async setMicrophoneMuted(muted: boolean): Promise {
+ if (!await this.client.getMediaHandler().hasAudioDevice()) {
+ return this.isMicrophoneMuted();
+ }
+ if (!this.hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack && !muted) {
+ await this.upgradeCall(true, false);
+ return this.isMicrophoneMuted();
+ }
+ this.localUsermediaFeed?.setAudioMuted(muted);
+ this.updateMuteStatus();
+ return this.isMicrophoneMuted();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the microphone is muted.
+ *
+ * If there are multiple audio tracks, all of the tracks need to be muted
+ * for this to return true. This means if there are no audio tracks, this will
+ * return true.
+ * @return {Boolean} True if the mic is muted, else false (including if the call
+ * is not set up yet).
+ */
+ public isMicrophoneMuted(): boolean {
+ return this.localUsermediaFeed?.isAudioMuted();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @returns true if we have put the party on the other side of the call on hold
+ * (that is, we are signalling to them that we are not listening)
+ */
+ public isRemoteOnHold(): boolean {
+ return this.remoteOnHold;
+ }
+ public setRemoteOnHold(onHold: boolean): void {
+ if (this.isRemoteOnHold() === onHold) return;
+ this.remoteOnHold = onHold;
+ for (const transceiver of this.peerConn.getTransceivers()) {
+ // We don't send hold music or anything so we're not actually
+ // sending anything, but sendrecv is fairly standard for hold and
+ // it makes it a lot easier to figure out who's put who on hold.
+ transceiver.direction = onHold ? 'sendonly' : 'sendrecv';
+ }
+ this.updateMuteStatus();
+ this.emit(CallEvent.RemoteHoldUnhold, this.remoteOnHold);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether we are 'on hold' to the remote party (ie. if true,
+ * they cannot hear us).
+ * @returns true if the other party has put us on hold
+ */
+ public isLocalOnHold(): boolean {
+ if (this.state !== CallState.Connected) return false;
+ let callOnHold = true;
+ // We consider a call to be on hold only if *all* the tracks are on hold
+ // (is this the right thing to do?)
+ for (const transceiver of this.peerConn.getTransceivers()) {
+ const trackOnHold = ['inactive', 'recvonly'].includes(transceiver.currentDirection);
+ if (!trackOnHold) callOnHold = false;
+ }
+ return callOnHold;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a DTMF digit to the other party
+ * @param digit The digit (nb. string - '#' and '*' are dtmf too)
+ */
+ public sendDtmfDigit(digit: string): void {
+ for (const sender of this.peerConn.getSenders()) {
+ if (sender.track.kind === 'audio' && sender.dtmf) {
+ sender.dtmf.insertDTMF(digit);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("Unable to find a track to send DTMF on");
+ }
+ private updateMuteStatus(): void {
+ this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallSDPStreamMetadataChangedPrefix, {
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: this.getLocalSDPStreamMetadata(),
+ });
+ const micShouldBeMuted = this.localUsermediaFeed?.isAudioMuted() || this.remoteOnHold;
+ const vidShouldBeMuted = this.localUsermediaFeed?.isVideoMuted() || this.remoteOnHold;
+ setTracksEnabled(this.localUsermediaStream.getAudioTracks(), !micShouldBeMuted);
+ setTracksEnabled(this.localUsermediaStream.getVideoTracks(), !vidShouldBeMuted);
+ }
+ private gotCallFeedsForInvite(callFeeds: CallFeed[], requestScreenshareFeed = false): void {
+ if (this.successor) {
+ this.successor.queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ this.stopAllMedia();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const feed of callFeeds) {
+ this.pushLocalFeed(feed);
+ }
+ if (requestScreenshareFeed) {
+ this.peerConn.addTransceiver("video", {
+ direction: "recvonly",
+ });
+ }
+ this.setState(CallState.CreateOffer);
+ logger.debug("gotUserMediaForInvite");
+ // Now we wait for the negotiationneeded event
+ }
+ private async sendAnswer(): Promise {
+ const answerContent = {
+ answer: {
+ sdp: this.peerConn.localDescription.sdp,
+ // type is now deprecated as of Matrix VoIP v1, but
+ // required to still be sent for backwards compat
+ type: this.peerConn.localDescription.type,
+ },
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: this.getLocalSDPStreamMetadata(true),
+ } as MCallAnswer;
+ answerContent.capabilities = {
+ 'm.call.transferee': this.client.supportsCallTransfer,
+ 'm.call.dtmf': false,
+ };
+ // We have just taken the local description from the peerConn which will
+ // contain all the local candidates added so far, so we can discard any candidates
+ // we had queued up because they'll be in the answer.
+ logger.info(`Discarding ${this.candidateSendQueue.length} candidates that will be sent in answer`);
+ this.candidateSendQueue = [];
+ try {
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallAnswer, answerContent);
+ // If this isn't the first time we've tried to send the answer,
+ // we may have candidates queued up, so send them now.
+ this.inviteOrAnswerSent = true;
+ } catch (error) {
+ // We've failed to answer: back to the ringing state
+ this.setState(CallState.Ringing);
+ this.client.cancelPendingEvent(error.event);
+ let code = CallErrorCode.SendAnswer;
+ let message = "Failed to send answer";
+ if (error.name == 'UnknownDeviceError') {
+ code = CallErrorCode.UnknownDevices;
+ message = "Unknown devices present in the room";
+ }
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Error, new CallError(code, message, error));
+ throw error;
+ }
+ // error handler re-throws so this won't happen on error, but
+ // we don't want the same error handling on the candidate queue
+ this.sendCandidateQueue();
+ }
+ private queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds: CallFeed[]): void {
+ // Ensure only one negotiate/answer event is being processed at a time.
+ if (this.responsePromiseChain) {
+ this.responsePromiseChain =
+ this.responsePromiseChain.then(() => this.gotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds));
+ } else {
+ this.responsePromiseChain = this.gotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds);
+ }
+ }
+ private async gotCallFeedsForAnswer(callFeeds: CallFeed[]): Promise {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) return;
+ this.waitForLocalAVStream = false;
+ for (const feed of callFeeds) {
+ this.pushLocalFeed(feed);
+ }
+ this.setState(CallState.CreateAnswer);
+ let myAnswer;
+ try {
+ this.getRidOfRTXCodecs();
+ myAnswer = await this.peerConn.createAnswer();
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to create answer: ", err);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.CreateAnswer, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.setLocalDescription(myAnswer);
+ this.setState(CallState.Connecting);
+ // Allow a short time for initial candidates to be gathered
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ setTimeout(resolve, 200);
+ });
+ this.sendAnswer();
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.debug("Error setting local description!", err);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.SetLocalDescription, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // HACK: Safari doesn't like it when we reuse MediaStreams. In most cases
+ // we can get around this by calling MediaStream.clone(), however inbound
+ // calls seem to still be broken unless we getUserMedia again and replace
+ // all MediaStreams using sender.replaceTrack
+ if (isSafari) {
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ setTimeout(resolve, 200);
+ });
+ if (this.state === CallState.Ended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const callFeed = this.localUsermediaFeed;
+ const stream = callFeed.stream;
+ if (!stream.active) {
+ throw new Error(`Call ${this.callId} has an inactive stream ${
+ stream.id} and its tracks cannot be replaced`);
+ }
+ const newSenders = [];
+ for (const track of this.localUsermediaStream.getTracks()) {
+ const oldSender = this.usermediaSenders.find((sender) => {
+ return sender.track?.kind === track.kind;
+ });
+ if (track.readyState === "ended") {
+ throw new Error(`Call ${this.callId} tried to replace track ${track.id} in the ended state`);
+ }
+ let newSender: RTCRtpSender;
+ try {
+ logger.info(
+ `Replacing track (` +
+ `id="${track.id}", ` +
+ `kind="${track.kind}", ` +
+ `streamId="${stream.id}", ` +
+ `streamPurpose="${callFeed.purpose}"` +
+ `) to peer connection`,
+ );
+ await oldSender.replaceTrack(track);
+ newSender = oldSender;
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Adding track (` +
+ `id="${track.id}", ` +
+ `kind="${track.kind}", ` +
+ `streamId="${stream.id}", ` +
+ `streamPurpose="${callFeed.purpose}"` +
+ `) to peer connection`,
+ );
+ newSender = this.peerConn.addTrack(track, stream);
+ }
+ newSenders.push(newSender);
+ }
+ this.usermediaSenders = newSenders;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal
+ * @param {Object} event
+ */
+ private gotLocalIceCandidate = (event: RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent): Promise => {
+ if (event.candidate) {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Call " + this.callId + " got local ICE " + event.candidate.sdpMid + " candidate: " +
+ event.candidate.candidate,
+ );
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) return;
+ // As with the offer, note we need to make a copy of this object, not
+ // pass the original: that broke in Chrome ~m43.
+ if (event.candidate.candidate !== '' || !this.sentEndOfCandidates) {
+ this.queueCandidate(event.candidate);
+ if (event.candidate.candidate === '') this.sentEndOfCandidates = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ private onIceGatheringStateChange = (event: Event): void => {
+ logger.debug("ice gathering state changed to " + this.peerConn.iceGatheringState);
+ if (this.peerConn.iceGatheringState === 'complete' && !this.sentEndOfCandidates) {
+ // If we didn't get an empty-string candidate to signal the end of candidates,
+ // create one ourselves now gathering has finished.
+ // We cast because the interface lists all the properties as required but we
+ // only want to send 'candidate'
+ // XXX: We probably want to send either sdpMid or sdpMLineIndex, as it's not strictly
+ // correct to have a candidate that lacks both of these. We'd have to figure out what
+ // previous candidates had been sent with and copy them.
+ const c = {
+ candidate: '',
+ } as RTCIceCandidate;
+ this.queueCandidate(c);
+ this.sentEndOfCandidates = true;
+ }
+ };
+ public async onRemoteIceCandidatesReceived(ev: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ //debuglog("Ignoring remote ICE candidate because call has ended");
+ return;
+ }
+ const content = ev.getContent();
+ const candidates = content.candidates;
+ if (!candidates) {
+ logger.info("Ignoring candidates event with no candidates!");
+ return;
+ }
+ const fromPartyId = content.version === 0 ? null : content.party_id || null;
+ if (this.opponentPartyId === undefined) {
+ // we haven't picked an opponent yet so save the candidates
+ logger.info(`Buffering ${candidates.length} candidates until we pick an opponent`);
+ const bufferedCandidates = this.remoteCandidateBuffer.get(fromPartyId) || [];
+ bufferedCandidates.push(...candidates);
+ this.remoteCandidateBuffer.set(fromPartyId, bufferedCandidates);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.partyIdMatches(content)) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Ignoring candidates from party ID ${content.party_id}: ` +
+ `we have chosen party ID ${this.opponentPartyId}`,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ await this.addIceCandidates(candidates);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used by MatrixClient.
+ * @param {Object} msg
+ */
+ public async onAnswerReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ const content = event.getContent();
+ logger.debug(`Got answer for call ID ${this.callId} from party ID ${content.party_id}`);
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ logger.debug(`Ignoring answer because call ID ${this.callId} has ended`);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.opponentPartyId !== undefined) {
+ logger.info(
+ `Ignoring answer from party ID ${content.party_id}: ` +
+ `we already have an answer/reject from ${this.opponentPartyId}`,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ this.chooseOpponent(event);
+ await this.addBufferedIceCandidates();
+ this.setState(CallState.Connecting);
+ const sdpStreamMetadata = content[SDPStreamMetadataKey];
+ if (sdpStreamMetadata) {
+ this.updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata(sdpStreamMetadata);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("Did not get any SDPStreamMetadata! Can not send/receive multiple streams");
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.setRemoteDescription(content.answer);
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to set remote description", e);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.SetRemoteDescription, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the answer we selected has a party_id, send a select_answer event
+ // We do this after setting the remote description since otherwise we'd block
+ // call setup on it
+ if (this.opponentPartyId !== null) {
+ try {
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallSelectAnswer, {
+ selected_party_id: this.opponentPartyId,
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ // This isn't fatal, and will just mean that if another party has raced to answer
+ // the call, they won't know they got rejected, so we carry on & don't retry.
+ logger.warn("Failed to send select_answer event", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async onSelectAnswerReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ if (this.direction !== CallDirection.Inbound) {
+ logger.warn("Got select_answer for an outbound call: ignoring");
+ return;
+ }
+ const selectedPartyId = event.getContent().selected_party_id;
+ if (selectedPartyId === undefined || selectedPartyId === null) {
+ logger.warn("Got nonsensical select_answer with null/undefined selected_party_id: ignoring");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (selectedPartyId !== this.ourPartyId) {
+ logger.info(`Got select_answer for party ID ${selectedPartyId}: we are party ID ${this.ourPartyId}.`);
+ // The other party has picked somebody else's answer
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Remote, CallErrorCode.AnsweredElsewhere, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public async onNegotiateReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ const content = event.getContent();
+ const description = content.description;
+ if (!description || !description.sdp || !description.type) {
+ logger.info("Ignoring invalid m.call.negotiate event");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Politeness always follows the direction of the call: in a glare situation,
+ // we pick either the inbound or outbound call, so one side will always be
+ // inbound and one outbound
+ const polite = this.direction === CallDirection.Inbound;
+ // Here we follow the perfect negotiation logic from
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Perfect_negotiation
+ const offerCollision = (
+ (description.type === 'offer') &&
+ (this.makingOffer || this.peerConn.signalingState !== 'stable')
+ );
+ this.ignoreOffer = !polite && offerCollision;
+ if (this.ignoreOffer) {
+ logger.info("Ignoring colliding negotiate event because we're impolite");
+ return;
+ }
+ const prevLocalOnHold = this.isLocalOnHold();
+ const sdpStreamMetadata = content[SDPStreamMetadataKey];
+ if (sdpStreamMetadata) {
+ this.updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata(sdpStreamMetadata);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("Received negotiation event without SDPStreamMetadata!");
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.setRemoteDescription(description);
+ if (description.type === 'offer') {
+ this.getRidOfRTXCodecs();
+ await this.peerConn.setLocalDescription();
+ this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallNegotiate, {
+ description: this.peerConn.localDescription,
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: this.getLocalSDPStreamMetadata(true),
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.warn("Failed to complete negotiation", err);
+ }
+ const newLocalOnHold = this.isLocalOnHold();
+ if (prevLocalOnHold !== newLocalOnHold) {
+ this.emit(CallEvent.LocalHoldUnhold, newLocalOnHold);
+ // also this one for backwards compat
+ this.emit(CallEvent.HoldUnhold, newLocalOnHold);
+ }
+ }
+ private updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata(metadata: SDPStreamMetadata): void {
+ this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata = utils.recursivelyAssign(this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata || {}, metadata, true);
+ for (const feed of this.getRemoteFeeds()) {
+ const streamId = feed.stream.id;
+ feed.setAudioMuted(this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[streamId]?.audio_muted);
+ feed.setVideoMuted(this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[streamId]?.video_muted);
+ feed.purpose = this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata[streamId]?.purpose;
+ }
+ }
+ public onSDPStreamMetadataChangedReceived(event: MatrixEvent): void {
+ const content = event.getContent();
+ const metadata = content[SDPStreamMetadataKey];
+ this.updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata(metadata);
+ }
+ public async onAssertedIdentityReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise {
+ const content = event.getContent();
+ if (!content.asserted_identity) return;
+ this.remoteAssertedIdentity = {
+ id: content.asserted_identity.id,
+ displayName: content.asserted_identity.display_name,
+ };
+ this.emit(CallEvent.AssertedIdentityChanged);
+ }
+ private callHasEnded(): boolean {
+ // This exists as workaround to typescript trying to be clever and erroring
+ // when putting if (this.state === CallState.Ended) return; twice in the same
+ // function, even though that function is async.
+ return this.state === CallState.Ended;
+ }
+ private queueGotLocalOffer(): void {
+ // Ensure only one negotiate/answer event is being processed at a time.
+ if (this.responsePromiseChain) {
+ this.responsePromiseChain =
+ this.responsePromiseChain.then(() => this.wrappedGotLocalOffer());
+ } else {
+ this.responsePromiseChain = this.wrappedGotLocalOffer();
+ }
+ }
+ private async wrappedGotLocalOffer(): Promise {
+ this.makingOffer = true;
+ try {
+ this.getRidOfRTXCodecs();
+ await this.gotLocalOffer();
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.getLocalOfferFailed(e);
+ return;
+ } finally {
+ this.makingOffer = false;
+ }
+ }
+ private async gotLocalOffer(): Promise {
+ logger.debug("Setting local description");
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ logger.debug("Ignoring newly created offer on call ID " + this.callId +
+ " because the call has ended");
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.setLocalDescription();
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.debug("Error setting local description!", err);
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.SetLocalDescription, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.peerConn.iceGatheringState === 'gathering') {
+ // Allow a short time for initial candidates to be gathered
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ setTimeout(resolve, 200);
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) return;
+ const eventType = this.state === CallState.CreateOffer ? EventType.CallInvite : EventType.CallNegotiate;
+ const content = {
+ lifetime: CALL_TIMEOUT_MS,
+ } as MCallInviteNegotiate;
+ if (eventType === EventType.CallInvite && this.invitee) {
+ content.invitee = this.invitee;
+ }
+ // clunky because TypeScript can't follow the types through if we use an expression as the key
+ if (this.state === CallState.CreateOffer) {
+ content.offer = this.peerConn.localDescription;
+ } else {
+ content.description = this.peerConn.localDescription;
+ }
+ content.capabilities = {
+ 'm.call.transferee': this.client.supportsCallTransfer,
+ 'm.call.dtmf': false,
+ };
+ content[SDPStreamMetadataKey] = this.getLocalSDPStreamMetadata(true);
+ // Get rid of any candidates waiting to be sent: they'll be included in the local
+ // description we just got and will send in the offer.
+ logger.info(`Discarding ${this.candidateSendQueue.length} candidates that will be sent in offer`);
+ this.candidateSendQueue = [];
+ try {
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(eventType, content);
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error("Failed to send invite", error);
+ if (error.event) this.client.cancelPendingEvent(error.event);
+ let code = CallErrorCode.SignallingFailed;
+ let message = "Signalling failed";
+ if (this.state === CallState.CreateOffer) {
+ code = CallErrorCode.SendInvite;
+ message = "Failed to send invite";
+ }
+ if (error.name == 'UnknownDeviceError') {
+ code = CallErrorCode.UnknownDevices;
+ message = "Unknown devices present in the room";
+ }
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Error, new CallError(code, message, error));
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, code, false);
+ // no need to carry on & send the candidate queue, but we also
+ // don't want to rethrow the error
+ return;
+ }
+ this.sendCandidateQueue();
+ if (this.state === CallState.CreateOffer) {
+ this.inviteOrAnswerSent = true;
+ this.setState(CallState.InviteSent);
+ this.inviteTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.inviteTimeout = null;
+ if (this.state === CallState.InviteSent) {
+ this.hangup(CallErrorCode.InviteTimeout, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private getLocalOfferFailed = (err: Error): void => {
+ logger.error("Failed to get local offer", err);
+ this.emit(
+ CallEvent.Error,
+ new CallError(
+ CallErrorCode.LocalOfferFailed,
+ "Failed to get local offer!", err,
+ ),
+ );
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.LocalOfferFailed, false);
+ };
+ private getUserMediaFailed = (err: Error): void => {
+ if (this.successor) {
+ this.successor.getUserMediaFailed(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.warn("Failed to get user media - ending call", err);
+ this.emit(
+ CallEvent.Error,
+ new CallError(
+ CallErrorCode.NoUserMedia,
+ "Couldn't start capturing media! Is your microphone set up and " +
+ "does this app have permission?", err,
+ ),
+ );
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.NoUserMedia, false);
+ };
+ private onIceConnectionStateChanged = (): void => {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) {
+ return; // because ICE can still complete as we're ending the call
+ }
+ logger.debug(
+ "Call ID " + this.callId + ": ICE connection state changed to: " + this.peerConn.iceConnectionState,
+ );
+ // ideally we'd consider the call to be connected when we get media but
+ // chrome doesn't implement any of the 'onstarted' events yet
+ if (this.peerConn.iceConnectionState == 'connected') {
+ clearTimeout(this.iceDisconnectedTimeout);
+ this.setState(CallState.Connected);
+ if (!this.callLengthInterval) {
+ this.callLengthInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ this.callLength++;
+ this.emit(CallEvent.LengthChanged, this.callLength);
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ } else if (this.peerConn.iceConnectionState == 'failed') {
+ // Firefox for Android does not yet have support for restartIce()
+ if (this.peerConn.restartIce) {
+ this.peerConn.restartIce();
+ } else {
+ this.hangup(CallErrorCode.IceFailed, false);
+ }
+ } else if (this.peerConn.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected') {
+ this.iceDisconnectedTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.hangup(CallErrorCode.IceFailed, false);
+ }, 30 * 1000);
+ }
+ };
+ private onSignallingStateChanged = (): void => {
+ logger.debug(
+ "call " + this.callId + ": Signalling state changed to: " +
+ this.peerConn.signalingState,
+ );
+ };
+ private onTrack = (ev: RTCTrackEvent): void => {
+ if (ev.streams.length === 0) {
+ logger.warn(`Streamless ${ev.track.kind} found: ignoring.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const stream = ev.streams[0];
+ this.pushRemoteFeed(stream);
+ stream.addEventListener("removetrack", () => {
+ logger.log(`Removing track streamId: ${stream.id}`);
+ this.deleteFeedByStream(stream);
+ });
+ };
+ private onDataChannel = (ev: RTCDataChannelEvent): void => {
+ this.emit(CallEvent.DataChannel, ev.channel);
+ };
+ /**
+ * This method removes all video/rtx codecs from screensharing video
+ * transceivers. This is necessary since they can cause problems. Without
+ * this the following steps should produce an error:
+ * Chromium calls Firefox
+ * Firefox answers
+ * Firefox starts screen-sharing
+ * Chromium starts screen-sharing
+ * Call crashes for Chromium with:
+ * [96685:23:0518/162603.933321:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3296)] RTX codec (PT=97) mapped to PT=96 which is not in the codec list.
+ * [96685:23:0518/162603.933377:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(1171)] GetChangedRecvParameters called without any video codecs.
+ * [96685:23:0518/162603.933430:ERROR:sdp_offer_answer.cc(4302)] Failed to set local video description recv parameters for m-section with mid='2'. (INVALID_PARAMETER)
+ */
+ private getRidOfRTXCodecs(): void {
+ // RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities and RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities don't seem to be supported on FF
+ if (!RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities || !RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities) return;
+ const recvCodecs = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities("video").codecs;
+ const sendCodecs = RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities("video").codecs;
+ const codecs = [...sendCodecs, ...recvCodecs];
+ for (const codec of codecs) {
+ if (codec.mimeType === "video/rtx") {
+ const rtxCodecIndex = codecs.indexOf(codec);
+ codecs.splice(rtxCodecIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const trans of this.peerConn.getTransceivers()) {
+ if (
+ this.screensharingSenders.includes(trans.sender) &&
+ (
+ trans.sender.track?.kind === "video" ||
+ trans.receiver.track?.kind === "video"
+ )
+ ) {
+ trans.setCodecPreferences(codecs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private onNegotiationNeeded = async (): Promise => {
+ logger.info("Negotiation is needed!");
+ if (this.state !== CallState.CreateOffer && this.opponentVersion === 0) {
+ logger.info("Opponent does not support renegotiation: ignoring negotiationneeded event");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.queueGotLocalOffer();
+ };
+ public onHangupReceived = (msg: MCallHangupReject): void => {
+ logger.debug("Hangup received for call ID " + this.callId);
+ // party ID must match (our chosen partner hanging up the call) or be undefined (we haven't chosen
+ // a partner yet but we're treating the hangup as a reject as per VoIP v0)
+ if (this.partyIdMatches(msg) || this.state === CallState.Ringing) {
+ // default reason is user_hangup
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Remote, msg.reason || CallErrorCode.UserHangup, true);
+ } else {
+ logger.info(`Ignoring message from party ID ${msg.party_id}: our partner is ${this.opponentPartyId}`);
+ }
+ };
+ public onRejectReceived = (msg: MCallHangupReject): void => {
+ logger.debug("Reject received for call ID " + this.callId);
+ // No need to check party_id for reject because if we'd received either
+ // an answer or reject, we wouldn't be in state InviteSent
+ const shouldTerminate = (
+ // reject events also end the call if it's ringing: it's another of
+ // our devices rejecting the call.
+ ([CallState.InviteSent, CallState.Ringing].includes(this.state)) ||
+ // also if we're in the init state and it's an inbound call, since
+ // this means we just haven't entered the ringing state yet
+ this.state === CallState.Fledgling && this.direction === CallDirection.Inbound
+ );
+ if (shouldTerminate) {
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Remote, msg.reason || CallErrorCode.UserHangup, true);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug(`Call is in state: ${this.state}: ignoring reject`);
+ }
+ };
+ public onAnsweredElsewhere = (msg: MCallAnswer): void => {
+ logger.debug("Call ID " + this.callId + " answered elsewhere");
+ this.terminate(CallParty.Remote, CallErrorCode.AnsweredElsewhere, true);
+ };
+ private setState(state: CallState): void {
+ const oldState = this.state;
+ this.state = state;
+ this.emit(CallEvent.State, state, oldState);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal
+ * @param {string} eventType
+ * @param {Object} content
+ * @return {Promise}
+ */
+ private sendVoipEvent(eventType: string, content: object): Promise {
+ const realContent = Object.assign({}, content, {
+ call_id: this.callId,
+ party_id: this.ourPartyId,
+ conf_id: this.groupCallId,
+ });
+ if (this.opponentDeviceId) {
+ this.emit(CallEvent.SendVoipEvent, {
+ type: "toDevice",
+ eventType,
+ userId: this.invitee || this.getOpponentMember().userId,
+ opponentDeviceId: this.opponentDeviceId,
+ content: {
+ ...realContent,
+ device_id: this.client.deviceId,
+ sender_session_id: this.client.getSessionId(),
+ dest_session_id: this.opponentSessionId,
+ },
+ });
+ return this.client.sendToDevice(eventType, {
+ [this.invitee || this.getOpponentMember().userId]: {
+ [this.opponentDeviceId]: {
+ ...realContent,
+ device_id: this.client.deviceId,
+ sender_session_id: this.client.getSessionId(),
+ dest_session_id: this.opponentSessionId,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.emit(CallEvent.SendVoipEvent, {
+ type: "sendEvent",
+ eventType,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ content: realContent,
+ userId: this.invitee || this.getOpponentMember().userId,
+ });
+ return this.client.sendEvent(this.roomId, eventType, realContent);
+ }
+ }
+ private queueCandidate(content: RTCIceCandidate): void {
+ // We partially de-trickle candidates by waiting for `delay` before sending them
+ // amalgamated, in order to avoid sending too many m.call.candidates events and hitting
+ // rate limits in Matrix.
+ // In practice, it'd be better to remove rate limits for m.call.*
+ // N.B. this deliberately lets you queue and send blank candidates, which MSC2746
+ // currently proposes as the way to indicate that candidate gathering is complete.
+ // This will hopefully be changed to an explicit rather than implicit notification
+ // shortly.
+ this.candidateSendQueue.push(content);
+ // Don't send the ICE candidates yet if the call is in the ringing state: this
+ // means we tried to pick (ie. started generating candidates) and then failed to
+ // send the answer and went back to the ringing state. Queue up the candidates
+ // to send if we successfully send the answer.
+ // Equally don't send if we haven't yet sent the answer because we can send the
+ // first batch of candidates along with the answer
+ if (this.state === CallState.Ringing || !this.inviteOrAnswerSent) return;
+ // MSC2746 recommends these values (can be quite long when calling because the
+ // callee will need a while to answer the call)
+ const delay = this.direction === CallDirection.Inbound ? 500 : 2000;
+ if (this.candidateSendTries === 0) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.sendCandidateQueue();
+ }, delay);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Transfers this call to another user
+ */
+ public async transfer(targetUserId: string): Promise {
+ // Fetch the target user's global profile info: their room avatar / displayname
+ // could be different in whatever room we share with them.
+ const profileInfo = await this.client.getProfileInfo(targetUserId);
+ const replacementId = genCallID();
+ const body = {
+ replacement_id: genCallID(),
+ target_user: {
+ id: targetUserId,
+ display_name: profileInfo.displayname,
+ avatar_url: profileInfo.avatar_url,
+ },
+ create_call: replacementId,
+ } as MCallReplacesEvent;
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallReplaces, body);
+ await this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.Transfered, true);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Transfers this call to the target call, effectively 'joining' the
+ * two calls (so the remote parties on each call are connected together).
+ */
+ public async transferToCall(transferTargetCall?: MatrixCall): Promise {
+ const targetProfileInfo = await this.client.getProfileInfo(transferTargetCall.getOpponentMember().userId);
+ const transfereeProfileInfo = await this.client.getProfileInfo(this.getOpponentMember().userId);
+ const newCallId = genCallID();
+ const bodyToTransferTarget = {
+ // the replacements on each side have their own ID, and it's distinct from the
+ // ID of the new call (but we can use the same function to generate it)
+ replacement_id: genCallID(),
+ target_user: {
+ id: this.getOpponentMember().userId,
+ display_name: transfereeProfileInfo.displayname,
+ avatar_url: transfereeProfileInfo.avatar_url,
+ },
+ await_call: newCallId,
+ } as MCallReplacesEvent;
+ await transferTargetCall.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallReplaces, bodyToTransferTarget);
+ const bodyToTransferee = {
+ replacement_id: genCallID(),
+ target_user: {
+ id: transferTargetCall.getOpponentMember().userId,
+ display_name: targetProfileInfo.displayname,
+ avatar_url: targetProfileInfo.avatar_url,
+ },
+ create_call: newCallId,
+ } as MCallReplacesEvent;
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallReplaces, bodyToTransferee);
+ await this.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.Replaced, true);
+ await transferTargetCall.terminate(CallParty.Local, CallErrorCode.Transfered, true);
+ }
+ private async terminate(hangupParty: CallParty, hangupReason: CallErrorCode, shouldEmit: boolean): Promise {
+ if (this.callHasEnded()) return;
+ this.hangupParty = hangupParty;
+ this.hangupReason = hangupReason;
+ this.setState(CallState.Ended);
+ if (this.inviteTimeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this.inviteTimeout);
+ this.inviteTimeout = null;
+ }
+ if (this.callLengthInterval) {
+ clearInterval(this.callLengthInterval);
+ this.callLengthInterval = null;
+ }
+ this.callStatsAtEnd = await this.collectCallStats();
+ // Order is important here: first we stopAllMedia() and only then we can deleteAllFeeds()
+ this.stopAllMedia();
+ this.deleteAllFeeds();
+ if (this.peerConn && this.peerConn.signalingState !== 'closed') {
+ this.peerConn.close();
+ }
+ if (shouldEmit) {
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Hangup, this);
+ }
+ this.client.callEventHandler.calls.delete(this.callId);
+ }
+ private stopAllMedia(): void {
+ logger.debug(!this.groupCallId ? "Stopping all media" : "Stopping all media except local feeds" );
+ for (const feed of this.feeds) {
+ if (
+ feed.isLocal() &&
+ feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia &&
+ !this.groupCallId
+ ) {
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopUserMediaStream(feed.stream);
+ } else if (
+ feed.isLocal() &&
+ feed.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare &&
+ !this.groupCallId
+ ) {
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(feed.stream);
+ } else if (!feed.isLocal() || !this.groupCallId) {
+ for (const track of feed.stream.getTracks()) {
+ track.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private checkForErrorListener(): void {
+ if (this.listeners("error").length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "You MUST attach an error listener using call.on('error', function() {})",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ private async sendCandidateQueue(): Promise {
+ if (this.candidateSendQueue.length === 0 || this.callHasEnded()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const candidates = this.candidateSendQueue;
+ this.candidateSendQueue = [];
+ ++this.candidateSendTries;
+ const content = {
+ candidates: candidates,
+ };
+ logger.debug("Attempting to send " + candidates.length + " candidates");
+ try {
+ await this.sendVoipEvent(EventType.CallCandidates, content);
+ // reset our retry count if we have successfully sent our candidates
+ // otherwise queueCandidate() will refuse to try to flush the queue
+ this.candidateSendTries = 0;
+ // Try to send candidates again just in case we received more candidates while sending.
+ this.sendCandidateQueue();
+ } catch (error) {
+ // don't retry this event: we'll send another one later as we might
+ // have more candidates by then.
+ if (error.event) this.client.cancelPendingEvent(error.event);
+ // put all the candidates we failed to send back in the queue
+ this.candidateSendQueue.push(...candidates);
+ if (this.candidateSendTries > 5) {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Failed to send candidates on attempt " + this.candidateSendTries +
+ ". Giving up on this call.", error,
+ );
+ const code = CallErrorCode.SignallingFailed;
+ const message = "Signalling failed";
+ this.emit(CallEvent.Error, new CallError(code, message, error));
+ this.hangup(code, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ const delayMs = 500 * Math.pow(2, this.candidateSendTries);
+ ++this.candidateSendTries;
+ logger.debug("Failed to send candidates. Retrying in " + delayMs + "ms", error);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.sendCandidateQueue();
+ }, delayMs);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place a call to this room.
+ * @throws if you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ * @throws if have passed audio=false.
+ */
+ public async placeCall(audio: boolean, video: boolean): Promise {
+ if (!audio) {
+ throw new Error("You CANNOT start a call without audio");
+ }
+ this.setState(CallState.WaitLocalMedia);
+ try {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(audio, video);
+ const callFeed = new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ userId: this.client.getUserId(),
+ stream,
+ purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia,
+ audioMuted: stream.getAudioTracks().length === 0,
+ videoMuted: stream.getVideoTracks().length === 0,
+ });
+ await this.placeCallWithCallFeeds([callFeed]);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.getUserMediaFailed(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place a call to this room with call feed.
+ * @param {CallFeed[]} callFeeds to use
+ * @throws if you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ * @throws if have passed audio=false.
+ */
+ public async placeCallWithCallFeeds(callFeeds: CallFeed[], requestScreenshareFeed = false): Promise {
+ this.checkForErrorListener();
+ this.direction = CallDirection.Outbound;
+ // XXX Find a better way to do this
+ this.client.callEventHandler.calls.set(this.callId, this);
+ // make sure we have valid turn creds. Unless something's gone wrong, it should
+ // poll and keep the credentials valid so this should be instant.
+ const haveTurnCreds = await this.client.checkTurnServers();
+ if (!haveTurnCreds) {
+ logger.warn("Failed to get TURN credentials! Proceeding with call anyway...");
+ }
+ // create the peer connection now so it can be gathering candidates while we get user
+ // media (assuming a candidate pool size is configured)
+ this.peerConn = this.createPeerConnection();
+ this.gotCallFeedsForInvite(callFeeds, requestScreenshareFeed);
+ }
+ private createPeerConnection(): RTCPeerConnection {
+ const pc = new window.RTCPeerConnection({
+ iceTransportPolicy: this.forceTURN ? 'relay' : undefined,
+ iceServers: this.turnServers,
+ iceCandidatePoolSize: this.client.iceCandidatePoolSize,
+ });
+ // 'connectionstatechange' would be better, but firefox doesn't implement that.
+ pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', this.onIceConnectionStateChanged);
+ pc.addEventListener('signalingstatechange', this.onSignallingStateChanged);
+ pc.addEventListener('icecandidate', this.gotLocalIceCandidate);
+ pc.addEventListener('icegatheringstatechange', this.onIceGatheringStateChange);
+ pc.addEventListener('track', this.onTrack);
+ pc.addEventListener('negotiationneeded', this.onNegotiationNeeded);
+ pc.addEventListener('datachannel', this.onDataChannel);
+ return pc;
+ }
+ private partyIdMatches(msg: MCallBase): boolean {
+ // They must either match or both be absent (in which case opponentPartyId will be null)
+ // Also we ignore party IDs on the invite/offer if the version is 0, so we must do the same
+ // here and use null if the version is 0 (woe betide any opponent sending messages in the
+ // same call with different versions)
+ const msgPartyId = msg.version === 0 ? null : msg.party_id || null;
+ return msgPartyId === this.opponentPartyId;
+ }
+ // Commits to an opponent for the call
+ // ev: An invite or answer event
+ private chooseOpponent(ev: MatrixEvent): void {
+ // I choo-choo-choose you
+ const msg = ev.getContent();
+ logger.debug(`Choosing party ID ${msg.party_id} for call ID ${this.callId}`);
+ this.opponentVersion = msg.version;
+ if (this.opponentVersion === 0) {
+ // set to null to indicate that we've chosen an opponent, but because
+ // they're v0 they have no party ID (even if they sent one, we're ignoring it)
+ this.opponentPartyId = null;
+ } else {
+ // set to their party ID, or if they're naughty and didn't send one despite
+ // not being v0, set it to null to indicate we picked an opponent with no
+ // party ID
+ this.opponentPartyId = msg.party_id || null;
+ }
+ this.opponentCaps = msg.capabilities || {} as CallCapabilities;
+ this.opponentMember = this.client.getRoom(this.roomId).getMember(ev.getSender());
+ }
+ private async addBufferedIceCandidates(): Promise {
+ const bufferedCandidates = this.remoteCandidateBuffer.get(this.opponentPartyId);
+ if (bufferedCandidates) {
+ logger.info(`Adding ${bufferedCandidates.length} buffered candidates for opponent ${this.opponentPartyId}`);
+ await this.addIceCandidates(bufferedCandidates);
+ }
+ this.remoteCandidateBuffer = null;
+ }
+ private async addIceCandidates(candidates: RTCIceCandidate[]): Promise {
+ for (const candidate of candidates) {
+ if (
+ (candidate.sdpMid === null || candidate.sdpMid === undefined) &&
+ (candidate.sdpMLineIndex === null || candidate.sdpMLineIndex === undefined)
+ ) {
+ logger.debug("Ignoring remote ICE candidate with no sdpMid or sdpMLineIndex");
+ continue;
+ }
+ logger.debug(
+ "Call " + this.callId + " got remote ICE " + candidate.sdpMid + " candidate: " + candidate.candidate,
+ );
+ try {
+ await this.peerConn.addIceCandidate(candidate);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (!this.ignoreOffer) {
+ logger.info("Failed to add remote ICE candidate", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public get hasPeerConnection(): boolean {
+ return Boolean(this.peerConn);
+ }
+export function setTracksEnabled(tracks: Array, enabled: boolean): void {
+ for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
+ tracks[i].enabled = enabled;
+ }
+ * Use client.createCall()
+ *
+ * Create a new Matrix call for the browser.
+ * @param {MatrixClient} client The client instance to use.
+ * @param {string} roomId The room the call is in.
+ * @param {Object?} options DEPRECATED optional options map.
+ * @param {boolean} options.forceTURN DEPRECATED whether relay through TURN should be
+ * forced. This option is deprecated - use opts.forceTURN when creating the matrix client
+ * since it's only possible to set this option on outbound calls.
+ * @return {MatrixCall} the call or null if the browser doesn't support calling.
+ */
+export function createNewMatrixCall(client: any, roomId: string, options?: CallOpts): MatrixCall {
+ // typeof prevents Node from erroring on an undefined reference
+ if (typeof(window) === 'undefined' || typeof(document) === 'undefined') {
+ // NB. We don't log here as apps try to create a call object as a test for
+ // whether calls are supported, so we shouldn't fill the logs up.
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Firefox throws on so little as accessing the RTCPeerConnection when operating in
+ // a secure mode. There's some information at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1542616
+ // though the concern is that the browser throwing a SecurityError will brick the
+ // client creation process.
+ try {
+ const supported = Boolean(
+ window.RTCPeerConnection || window.RTCSessionDescription ||
+ window.RTCIceCandidate || navigator.mediaDevices,
+ );
+ if (!supported) {
+ // Adds a lot of noise to test runs, so disable logging there.
+ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test") {
+ logger.error("WebRTC is not supported in this browser / environment");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.error("Exception thrown when trying to access WebRTC", e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ const optionsForceTURN = options ? options.forceTURN : false;
+ const opts: CallOpts = {
+ client: client,
+ roomId: roomId,
+ invitee: options?.invitee,
+ turnServers: client.getTurnServers(),
+ // call level options
+ forceTURN: client.forceTURN || optionsForceTURN,
+ opponentDeviceId: options?.opponentDeviceId,
+ opponentSessionId: options?.opponentSessionId,
+ groupCallId: options?.groupCallId,
+ };
+ const call = new MatrixCall(opts);
+ client.reEmitter.reEmit(call, Object.values(CallEvent));
+ return call;
diff --git a/src/matrix/calls/CallFeed.ts b/src/matrix/calls/CallFeed.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8cc8662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrix/calls/CallFeed.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+Copyright 2021 Šimon Brandner
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import { SDPStreamMetadataPurpose } from "./callEventTypes";
+const POLLING_INTERVAL = 200; // ms
+export const SPEAKING_THRESHOLD = -60; // dB
+const SPEAKING_SAMPLE_COUNT = 8; // samples
+export interface ICallFeedOpts {
+ client: MatrixClient;
+ roomId: string;
+ userId: string;
+ stream: MediaStream;
+ purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose;
+ audioMuted: boolean;
+ videoMuted: boolean;
+export enum CallFeedEvent {
+ NewStream = "new_stream",
+ MuteStateChanged = "mute_state_changed",
+ VolumeChanged = "volume_changed",
+ Speaking = "speaking",
+export class CallFeed extends EventEmitter {
+ public stream: MediaStream;
+ public sdpMetadataStreamId: string;
+ public userId: string;
+ public purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose;
+ public speakingVolumeSamples: number[];
+ private client: MatrixClient;
+ private roomId: string;
+ private audioMuted: boolean;
+ private videoMuted: boolean;
+ private measuringVolumeActivity = false;
+ private audioContext: AudioContext;
+ private analyser: AnalyserNode;
+ private frequencyBinCount: Float32Array;
+ private speakingThreshold = SPEAKING_THRESHOLD;
+ private speaking = false;
+ private volumeLooperTimeout: number;
+ constructor(opts: ICallFeedOpts) {
+ super();
+ this.client = opts.client;
+ this.roomId = opts.roomId;
+ this.userId = opts.userId;
+ this.purpose = opts.purpose;
+ this.audioMuted = opts.audioMuted;
+ this.videoMuted = opts.videoMuted;
+ this.speakingVolumeSamples = new Array(SPEAKING_SAMPLE_COUNT).fill(-Infinity);
+ this.sdpMetadataStreamId = opts.stream.id;
+ this.updateStream(null, opts.stream);
+ if (this.hasAudioTrack) {
+ this.initVolumeMeasuring();
+ }
+ }
+ private get hasAudioTrack(): boolean {
+ return this.stream.getAudioTracks().length > 0;
+ }
+ private updateStream(oldStream: MediaStream, newStream: MediaStream): void {
+ if (newStream === oldStream) return;
+ if (oldStream) {
+ oldStream.removeEventListener("addtrack", this.onAddTrack);
+ this.measureVolumeActivity(false);
+ }
+ if (newStream) {
+ this.stream = newStream;
+ newStream.addEventListener("addtrack", this.onAddTrack);
+ if (this.hasAudioTrack) {
+ this.initVolumeMeasuring();
+ } else {
+ this.measureVolumeActivity(false);
+ }
+ }
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.NewStream, this.stream);
+ }
+ private initVolumeMeasuring(): void {
+ const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
+ if (!this.hasAudioTrack || !AudioContext) return;
+ this.audioContext = new AudioContext();
+ this.analyser = this.audioContext.createAnalyser();
+ this.analyser.fftSize = 512;
+ this.analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.1;
+ const mediaStreamAudioSourceNode = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(this.stream);
+ mediaStreamAudioSourceNode.connect(this.analyser);
+ this.frequencyBinCount = new Float32Array(this.analyser.frequencyBinCount);
+ }
+ private onAddTrack = (): void => {
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.NewStream, this.stream);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns callRoom member
+ * @returns member of the callRoom
+ */
+ public getMember(): RoomMember {
+ const callRoom = this.client.getRoom(this.roomId);
+ return callRoom.getMember(this.userId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if CallFeed is local, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} is local?
+ */
+ public isLocal(): boolean {
+ return this.userId === this.client.getUserId();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if audio is muted or if there are no audio
+ * tracks, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} is audio muted?
+ */
+ public isAudioMuted(): boolean {
+ return this.stream.getAudioTracks().length === 0 || this.audioMuted;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true video is muted or if there are no video
+ * tracks, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns {boolean} is video muted?
+ */
+ public isVideoMuted(): boolean {
+ // We assume only one video track
+ return this.stream.getVideoTracks().length === 0 || this.videoMuted;
+ }
+ public isSpeaking(): boolean {
+ return this.speaking;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replaces the current MediaStream with a new one.
+ * This method should be only used by MatrixCall.
+ * @param newStream new stream with which to replace the current one
+ */
+ public setNewStream(newStream: MediaStream): void {
+ this.updateStream(this.stream, newStream);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set feed's internal audio mute state
+ * @param muted is the feed's audio muted?
+ */
+ public setAudioMuted(muted: boolean): void {
+ this.audioMuted = muted;
+ this.speakingVolumeSamples.fill(-Infinity);
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.MuteStateChanged, this.audioMuted, this.videoMuted);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set feed's internal video mute state
+ * @param muted is the feed's video muted?
+ */
+ public setVideoMuted(muted: boolean): void {
+ this.videoMuted = muted;
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.MuteStateChanged, this.audioMuted, this.videoMuted);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts emitting volume_changed events where the emitter value is in decibels
+ * @param enabled emit volume changes
+ */
+ public measureVolumeActivity(enabled: boolean): void {
+ if (enabled) {
+ if (!this.audioContext || !this.analyser || !this.frequencyBinCount || !this.hasAudioTrack) return;
+ this.measuringVolumeActivity = true;
+ this.volumeLooper();
+ } else {
+ this.measuringVolumeActivity = false;
+ this.speakingVolumeSamples.fill(-Infinity);
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.VolumeChanged, -Infinity);
+ }
+ }
+ public setSpeakingThreshold(threshold: number) {
+ this.speakingThreshold = threshold;
+ }
+ private volumeLooper = () => {
+ if (!this.analyser) return;
+ if (!this.measuringVolumeActivity) return;
+ this.analyser.getFloatFrequencyData(this.frequencyBinCount);
+ let maxVolume = -Infinity;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.frequencyBinCount.length; i++) {
+ if (this.frequencyBinCount[i] > maxVolume) {
+ maxVolume = this.frequencyBinCount[i];
+ }
+ }
+ this.speakingVolumeSamples.shift();
+ this.speakingVolumeSamples.push(maxVolume);
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.VolumeChanged, maxVolume);
+ let newSpeaking = false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.speakingVolumeSamples.length; i++) {
+ const volume = this.speakingVolumeSamples[i];
+ if (volume > this.speakingThreshold) {
+ newSpeaking = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.speaking !== newSpeaking) {
+ this.speaking = newSpeaking;
+ this.emit(CallFeedEvent.Speaking, this.speaking);
+ }
+ this.volumeLooperTimeout = setTimeout(this.volumeLooper, POLLING_INTERVAL);
+ };
+ public clone(): CallFeed {
+ const mediaHandler = this.client.getMediaHandler();
+ const stream = this.stream.clone();
+ if (this.purpose === SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia) {
+ mediaHandler.userMediaStreams.push(stream);
+ } else {
+ mediaHandler.screensharingStreams.push(stream);
+ }
+ return new CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId: this.roomId,
+ userId: this.userId,
+ stream,
+ purpose: this.purpose,
+ audioMuted: this.audioMuted,
+ videoMuted: this.videoMuted,
+ });
+ }
+ public dispose(): void {
+ clearTimeout(this.volumeLooperTimeout);
+ }
diff --git a/src/matrix/calls/CallHandler.ts b/src/matrix/calls/CallHandler.ts
index 55571c5a..b88c3ce2 100644
--- a/src/matrix/calls/CallHandler.ts
+++ b/src/matrix/calls/CallHandler.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ const CALL_ID = "m.call_id";
const CALL_TERMINATED = "m.terminated";
export class CallHandler {
+ // group calls by call id
public readonly groupCalls: ObservableMap = new ObservableMap();
constructor() {
diff --git a/src/matrix/calls/callEventTypes.ts b/src/matrix/calls/callEventTypes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd0fbb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrix/calls/callEventTypes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// allow non-camelcase as these are events type that go onto the wire
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import { CallErrorCode } from "./Call";
+// TODO: Change to "sdp_stream_metadata" when MSC3077 is merged
+export const SDPStreamMetadataKey = "org.matrix.msc3077.sdp_stream_metadata";
+export enum SDPStreamMetadataPurpose {
+ Usermedia = "m.usermedia",
+ Screenshare = "m.screenshare",
+export interface SDPStreamMetadataObject {
+ purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose;
+ audio_muted: boolean;
+ video_muted: boolean;
+export interface SDPStreamMetadata {
+ [key: string]: SDPStreamMetadataObject;
+export interface CallCapabilities {
+ 'm.call.transferee': boolean;
+ 'm.call.dtmf': boolean;
+export interface CallReplacesTarget {
+ id: string;
+ display_name: string;
+ avatar_url: string;
+export interface MCallBase {
+ call_id: string;
+ version: string | number;
+ party_id?: string;
+ sender_session_id?: string;
+ dest_session_id?: string;
+export interface MCallAnswer extends MCallBase {
+ answer: RTCSessionDescription;
+ capabilities?: CallCapabilities;
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: SDPStreamMetadata;
+export interface MCallSelectAnswer extends MCallBase {
+ selected_party_id: string;
+export interface MCallInviteNegotiate extends MCallBase {
+ offer: RTCSessionDescription;
+ description: RTCSessionDescription;
+ lifetime: number;
+ capabilities?: CallCapabilities;
+ invitee?: string;
+ sender_session_id?: string;
+ dest_session_id?: string;
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: SDPStreamMetadata;
+export interface MCallSDPStreamMetadataChanged extends MCallBase {
+ [SDPStreamMetadataKey]: SDPStreamMetadata;
+export interface MCallReplacesEvent extends MCallBase {
+ replacement_id: string;
+ target_user: CallReplacesTarget;
+ create_call: string;
+ await_call: string;
+ target_room: string;
+export interface MCAllAssertedIdentity extends MCallBase {
+ asserted_identity: {
+ id: string;
+ display_name: string;
+ avatar_url: string;
+ };
+export interface MCallCandidates extends MCallBase {
+ candidates: RTCIceCandidate[];
+export interface MCallHangupReject extends MCallBase {
+ reason?: CallErrorCode;
+/* eslint-enable camelcase */