# Install to /usr/local unless otherwise specified, such as `make PREFIX=/app` PREFIX?=/usr/local # What to run to install various files INSTALL?=install # Run to install the actual binary INSTALL_PROGRAM=$(INSTALL) -Dm 755 # Run to install application data, with differing permissions INSTALL_DATA=$(INSTALL) -Dm 644 # Directories into which to install the various files bindir=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin sharedir=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share # Attempt to find bash completion dir in order of preference ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/bash_completion.d/.),) cpldir ?= /etc/bash_completion.d endif HAS_BREW := $(shell command -v brew 2> /dev/null) ifdef HAS_BREW cpldir ?= $$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d endif HAS_PKGCONFIG := $(shell command -v pkg-config 2> /dev/null) ifdef HAS_PKGCONFIG cpldir ?= $$(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2> /dev/null) endif help: @echo "targets:" @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \ | sed -n 's/^\(.*\): \(.*\)##\(.*\)/ \1|\3/p' \ | column -t -s '|' install: pb pb.1 ## system install $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) pb $(bindir)/pb $(INSTALL_DATA) pb.1 $(sharedir)/man/man1/pb.1 ifdef cpldir $(INSTALL_DATA) pb.d $(cpldir)/pb endif uninstall: ## system uninstall rm -f $(bindir)/pb rm -f $(sharedir)/man/man1/pb.1 ifdef cpldir rm -f $(cpldir)/pb endif .PHONY: install uninstall help