2024-12-27 16:13:04 +01:00

232 lines
3.7 KiB

# This file contains default values, and does not need to be edited. All
# important settings can be changed from the admin interface.
defaults: &defaults
site_title: Mastodon
site_short_description: ''
site_description: ''
site_extended_description: ''
site_terms: ''
site_contact_username: ''
site_contact_email: ''
registrations_mode: 'none'
profile_directory: true
closed_registrations_message: ''
timeline_preview: true
show_staff_badge: true
preview_sensitive_media: false
noindex: false
theme: 'system'
trends: true
trends_as_landing_page: true
trendable_by_default: false
- abuse
- account
- accounts
- admin
- administration
- administrator
- adminpanel
- admins
- analytics
- anonymous
- api
- apiaccess
- apiuser
- app
- appadmin
- applicationadmin
- appmanager
- apps
- archive
- assets
- auth
- authentication
- automation
- backup
- backupadmin
- backupmanager
- banned
- billing
- blog
- bot
- bots
- broadcast
- calendar
- community
- config
- configuration
- contact
- contacts
- content
- control
- credentials
- dashboard
- data
- database
- databaseadmin
- databaseadmin
- db
- debug
- default
- demo
- deployment
- device
- devices
- discovery
- docs
- domain
- download
- downloads
- editor
- email
- environment
- error
- example
- external
- faq
- feature
- feedback
- filemanager
- files
- firewall
- gateway
- general
- guest
- guestaccount
- guestuser
- help
- home
- host
- hostname
- index
- info
- instance
- integration
- inventory
- library
- licensing
- list
- login
- logout
- logs
- mail
- maintenance
- management
- manager
- master
- media
- member
- members
- message
- messages
- migration
- mod
- moderator
- moderators
- mods
- monitoring
- my
- name
- namespace
- news
- nocontent
- notification
- notifications
- null
- oauth
- owner
- owneraccount
- page
- pages
- password
- permissions
- ping
- pipeline
- policy
- post
- posts
- preferences
- processing
- profile
- profiles
- public
- queue
- quota
- readonly
- recover
- register
- registration
- release
- resource
- resources
- root
- runtime
- schedule
- scheduler
- search
- security
- server
- session
- settings
- signin
- signup
- staff
- status
- storage
- subscriber
- subscription
- superuser
- support
- system
- team
- teams
- template
- terms
- token
- tutorial
- undefined
- unknown
- update
- upload
- uploads
- user
- useradmin
- usermanager
- usernames
- userprofile
- users
- validate
- validation
- validator
- version
- versioning
- webmaster
- welcome
- workflow
- workspace
- www
- wwwroot
- you
- youraccount
disallowed_hashtags: # space separated string or list of hashtags without the hash
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: ''
activity_api_enabled: true
peers_api_enabled: true
show_domain_blocks: 'disabled'
show_domain_blocks_rationale: 'disabled'
require_invite_text: false
backups_retention_period: 7
captcha_enabled: false
allow_referer_origin: false
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults