# frozen_string_literal: true require 'singleton' class FeedManager include Singleton include Redisable # Maximum number of items stored in a single feed MAX_ITEMS = 800 # Number of items in the feed since last reblog of status # before the new reblog will be inserted. Must be <= MAX_ITEMS # or the tracking sets will grow forever REBLOG_FALLOFF = 40 # Execute block for every active account # @yield [Account] # @return [void] def with_active_accounts(&block) Account.joins(:user).merge(User.signed_in_recently).find_each(&block) end # Redis key of a feed # @param [Symbol] type # @param [Integer] id # @param [Symbol] subtype # @return [String] def key(type, id, subtype = nil) return "feed:#{type}:#{id}" unless subtype "feed:#{type}:#{id}:#{subtype}" end # Check if the status should not be added to a feed # @param [Symbol] timeline_type # @param [Status] status # @param [Account|List] receiver # @return [Boolean] def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver) case timeline_type when :home filter_from_home?(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status]), :home) when :list filter_from_list?(status, receiver) || filter_from_home?(status, receiver.account_id, build_crutches(receiver.account_id, [status]), :list) when :mentions filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver.id) when :tags filter_from_tags?(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status])) else false end end # Add a status to a home feed and send a streaming API update # @param [Account] account # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] update # @return [Boolean] def push_to_home(account, status, update: false) return false unless add_to_feed(:home, account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) trim(:home, account.id) PushUpdateWorker.perform_async(account.id, status.id, "timeline:#{account.id}", { 'update' => update }) if push_update_required?("timeline:#{account.id}") true end # Remove a status from a home feed and send a streaming API update # @param [Account] account # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] update # @return [Boolean] def unpush_from_home(account, status, update: false) return false unless remove_from_feed(:home, account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) redis.publish("timeline:#{account.id}", Oj.dump(event: :delete, payload: status.id.to_s)) unless update true end # Add a status to a list feed and send a streaming API update # @param [List] list # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] update # @return [Boolean] def push_to_list(list, status, update: false) return false if filter_from_list?(status, list) || !add_to_feed(:list, list.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: list.account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) trim(:list, list.id) PushUpdateWorker.perform_async(list.account_id, status.id, "timeline:list:#{list.id}", { 'update' => update }) if push_update_required?("timeline:list:#{list.id}") true end # Remove a status from a list feed and send a streaming API update # @param [List] list # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] update # @return [Boolean] def unpush_from_list(list, status, update: false) return false unless remove_from_feed(:list, list.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: list.account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) redis.publish("timeline:list:#{list.id}", Oj.dump(event: :delete, payload: status.id.to_s)) unless update true end # Fill a home feed with an account's statuses # @param [Account] from_account # @param [Account] into_account # @return [void] def merge_into_home(from_account, into_account) timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id) aggregate = into_account.user&.aggregates_reblogs? query = from_account.statuses.list_eligible_visibility.includes(:preloadable_poll, :media_attachments, reblog: :account).limit(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4) if redis.zcard(timeline_key) >= FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4 oldest_home_score = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, 0, with_scores: true).first.last.to_i query = query.where('id > ?', oldest_home_score) end statuses = query.to_a crutches = build_crutches(into_account.id, statuses) statuses.each do |status| next if filter_from_home?(status, into_account.id, crutches) add_to_feed(:home, into_account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate) end trim(:home, into_account.id) end # Fill a list feed with an account's statuses # @param [Account] from_account # @param [List] list # @return [void] def merge_into_list(from_account, list) timeline_key = key(:list, list.id) aggregate = list.account.user&.aggregates_reblogs? query = from_account.statuses.list_eligible_visibility.includes(:preloadable_poll, :media_attachments, reblog: :account).limit(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4) if redis.zcard(timeline_key) >= FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4 oldest_home_score = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, 0, with_scores: true).first.last.to_i query = query.where('id > ?', oldest_home_score) end statuses = query.to_a crutches = build_crutches(list.account_id, statuses) statuses.each do |status| next if filter_from_home?(status, list.account_id, crutches) || filter_from_list?(status, list) add_to_feed(:list, list.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate) end trim(:list, list.id) end # Remove an account's statuses from a home feed # @param [Account] from_account # @param [Account] into_account # @return [void] def unmerge_from_home(from_account, into_account) timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id) timeline_status_ids = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, -1) from_account.statuses.select('id, reblog_of_id').where(id: timeline_status_ids).reorder(nil).find_each do |status| remove_from_feed(:home, into_account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: into_account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) end end # Remove an account's statuses from a list feed # @param [Account] from_account # @param [List] list # @return [void] def unmerge_from_list(from_account, list) timeline_key = key(:list, list.id) timeline_status_ids = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, -1) from_account.statuses.select('id, reblog_of_id').where(id: timeline_status_ids).reorder(nil).find_each do |status| remove_from_feed(:list, list.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: list.account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) end end # Remove a tag's statuses from a home feed # @param [Tag] from_tag # @param [Account] into_account # @return [void] def unmerge_tag_from_home(from_tag, into_account) timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id) timeline_status_ids = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, -1) # This is a bit tricky because we need posts tagged with this hashtag that are not # also tagged with another followed hashtag or from a followed user scope = from_tag.statuses .where(id: timeline_status_ids) .where.not(account: into_account) .where.not(account: into_account.following) .tagged_with_none(TagFollow.where(account: into_account).pluck(:tag_id)) scope.select('id, reblog_of_id').reorder(nil).find_each do |status| remove_from_feed(:home, into_account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: into_account.user&.aggregates_reblogs?) end end # Clear all statuses from or mentioning target_account from a home feed # @param [Account] account # @param [Account] target_account # @return [void] def clear_from_home(account, target_account) timeline_key = key(:home, account.id) timeline_status_ids = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, -1) statuses = Status.where(id: timeline_status_ids).select(:id, :reblog_of_id, :account_id).to_a reblogged_ids = Status.where(id: statuses.filter_map(&:reblog_of_id), account: target_account).pluck(:id) with_mentions_ids = Mention.active.where(status_id: statuses.flat_map { |s| [s.id, s.reblog_of_id] }.compact, account: target_account).pluck(:status_id) target_statuses = statuses.select do |status| status.account_id == target_account.id || reblogged_ids.include?(status.reblog_of_id) || with_mentions_ids.include?(status.id) || with_mentions_ids.include?(status.reblog_of_id) end target_statuses.each do |status| unpush_from_home(account, status) end end # Clear all statuses from or mentioning target_account from a list feed # @param [List] list # @param [Account] target_account # @return [void] def clear_from_list(list, target_account) timeline_key = key(:list, list.id) timeline_status_ids = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, -1) statuses = Status.where(id: timeline_status_ids).select(:id, :reblog_of_id, :account_id).to_a reblogged_ids = Status.where(id: statuses.filter_map(&:reblog_of_id), account: target_account).pluck(:id) with_mentions_ids = Mention.active.where(status_id: statuses.flat_map { |s| [s.id, s.reblog_of_id] }.compact, account: target_account).pluck(:status_id) target_statuses = statuses.select do |status| status.account_id == target_account.id || reblogged_ids.include?(status.reblog_of_id) || with_mentions_ids.include?(status.id) || with_mentions_ids.include?(status.reblog_of_id) end target_statuses.each do |status| unpush_from_list(list, status) end end # Clear all statuses from or mentioning target_account from an account's lists # @param [Account] account # @param [Account] target_account # @return [void] def clear_from_lists(account, target_account) List.where(account: account).find_each do |list| clear_from_list(list, target_account) end end # Populate home feed of account from scratch # @param [Account] account # @return [void] def populate_home(account) limit = FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 2 aggregate = account.user&.aggregates_reblogs? timeline_key = key(:home, account.id) account.statuses.limit(limit).each do |status| add_to_feed(:home, account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate) end account.following.includes(:account_stat).reorder(nil).find_each do |target_account| if redis.zcard(timeline_key) >= limit oldest_home_score = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, 0, with_scores: true).first.last.to_i last_status_score = Mastodon::Snowflake.id_at(target_account.last_status_at) # If the feed is full and this account has not posted more recently # than the last item on the feed, then we can skip the whole account # because none of its statuses would stay on the feed anyway next if last_status_score < oldest_home_score end statuses = target_account.statuses.list_eligible_visibility.includes(:preloadable_poll, :media_attachments, :account, reblog: :account).limit(limit) crutches = build_crutches(account.id, statuses) statuses.each do |status| next if filter_from_home?(status, account.id, crutches) add_to_feed(:home, account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate) end trim(:home, account.id) end end # Completely clear multiple feeds at once # @param [Symbol] type # @param [Array] ids # @return [void] def clean_feeds!(type, ids) reblogged_id_sets = {} redis.pipelined do |pipeline| ids.each do |feed_id| reblog_key = key(type, feed_id, 'reblogs') # We collect a future for this: we don't block while getting # it, but we can iterate over it later. reblogged_id_sets[feed_id] = pipeline.zrange(reblog_key, 0, -1) pipeline.del(key(type, feed_id), reblog_key) end end # Remove all of the reblog tracking keys we just removed the # references to. keys_to_delete = reblogged_id_sets.flat_map do |feed_id, future| future.value.map do |reblogged_id| key(type, feed_id, "reblogs:#{reblogged_id}") end end redis.del(keys_to_delete) unless keys_to_delete.empty? nil end private # Trim a feed to maximum size by removing older items # @param [Symbol] type # @param [Integer] timeline_id # @return [void] def trim(type, timeline_id) timeline_key = key(type, timeline_id) reblog_key = key(type, timeline_id, 'reblogs') # Remove any items past the MAX_ITEMS'th entry in our feed redis.zremrangebyrank(timeline_key, 0, -(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS + 1)) # Get the score of the REBLOG_FALLOFF'th item in our feed, and stop # tracking anything after it for deduplication purposes. falloff_rank = FeedManager::REBLOG_FALLOFF falloff_range = redis.zrevrange(timeline_key, falloff_rank, falloff_rank, with_scores: true) falloff_score = falloff_range&.first&.last&.to_i return if falloff_score.nil? # Get any reblogs we might have to clean up after. redis.zrangebyscore(reblog_key, 0, falloff_score).each do |reblogged_id| # Remove it from the set of reblogs we're tracking *first* to avoid races. redis.zrem(reblog_key, reblogged_id) # Just drop any set we might have created to track additional reblogs. # This means that if this reblog is deleted, we won't automatically insert # another reblog, but also that any new reblog can be inserted into the # feed. redis.del(key(type, timeline_id, "reblogs:#{reblogged_id}")) end end # Check if there is a streaming API client connected # for the given feed # @param [String] timeline_key # @return [Boolean] def push_update_required?(timeline_key) redis.exists?("subscribed:#{timeline_key}") end # Check if the account is blocking or muting any of the given accounts # @param [Integer] receiver_id # @param [Array] account_ids # @param [Symbol] context def blocks_or_mutes?(receiver_id, account_ids, context) Block.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: account_ids).any? || (context == :home ? Mute.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: account_ids).any? : Mute.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: account_ids, hide_notifications: true).any?) end # Check if status should not be added to the home feed # @param [Status] status # @param [Integer] receiver_id # @param [Hash] crutches # @return [Boolean] def filter_from_home?(status, receiver_id, crutches, timeline_type = :home) return false if receiver_id == status.account_id return true if status.reply? && (status.in_reply_to_id.nil? || status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?) return true if timeline_type != :list && crutches[:exclusive_list_users][status.account_id].present? return true if crutches[:languages][status.account_id].present? && status.language.present? && !crutches[:languages][status.account_id].include?(status.language) check_for_blocks = crutches[:active_mentions][status.id] || [] check_for_blocks.push(status.account_id) if status.reblog? check_for_blocks.push(status.reblog.account_id) check_for_blocks.concat(crutches[:active_mentions][status.reblog_of_id] || []) end return true if check_for_blocks.any? { |target_account_id| crutches[:blocking][target_account_id] || crutches[:muting][target_account_id] } return true if crutches[:blocked_by][status.account_id] if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? # Filter out if it's a reply should_filter = !crutches[:following][status.in_reply_to_account_id] # and I'm not following the person it's a reply to should_filter &&= receiver_id != status.in_reply_to_account_id # and it's not a reply to me should_filter &&= status.account_id != status.in_reply_to_account_id # and it's not a self-reply return !!should_filter elsif status.reblog? # Filter out a reblog should_filter = crutches[:hiding_reblogs][status.account_id] # if the reblogger's reblogs are suppressed should_filter ||= crutches[:blocked_by][status.reblog.account_id] # or if the author of the reblogged status is blocking me should_filter ||= crutches[:domain_blocking][status.reblog.account.domain] # or the author's domain is blocked return !!should_filter end false end # Check if status should not be added to the mentions feed # @see NotifyService # @param [Status] status # @param [Integer] receiver_id # @return [Boolean] def filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver_id) return true if receiver_id == status.account_id # This filter is called from NotifyService, but already after the sender of # the notification has been checked for mute/block. Therefore, it's not # necessary to check the author of the toot for mute/block again check_for_blocks = status.active_mentions.pluck(:account_id) check_for_blocks.push(status.in_reply_to_account) if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? blocks_or_mutes?(receiver_id, check_for_blocks, :mentions) # Filter if it's from someone I blocked, in reply to someone I blocked, or mentioning someone I blocked (or muted) end # Check if status should not be added to the list feed # @param [Status] status # @param [List] list # @return [Boolean] def filter_from_list?(status, list) if status.reply? && status.in_reply_to_account_id != status.account_id # Status is a reply to account other than status account should_filter = status.in_reply_to_account_id != list.account_id # Status replies to account id other than list account should_filter &&= !list.show_followed? # List show_followed? is false should_filter &&= !(list.show_list? && ListAccount.exists?(list_id: list.id, account_id: status.in_reply_to_account_id)) # If show_list? true, check for a ListAccount with list and reply to account return !!should_filter end false end # Check if a status should not be added to the home feed when it comes # from a followed hashtag # @param [Status] status # @param [Integer] receiver_id # @param [Hash] crutches # @return [Boolean] def filter_from_tags?(status, receiver_id, crutches) receiver_id == status.account_id || # Receiver is status account? ((crutches[:active_mentions][status.id] || []) + [status.account_id]) # For mentioned accounts or status account: .any? { |target_account_id| crutches[:blocking][target_account_id] || crutches[:muting][target_account_id] } || # - Target account is muted or blocked? crutches[:blocked_by][status.account_id] || # Blocked by status account? crutches[:domain_blocking][status.account.domain] # Blocking domain of status account? end # Adds a status to an account's feed, returning true if a status was # added, and false if it was not added to the feed. Note that this is # an internal helper: callers must call trim or push updates if # either action is appropriate. # @param [Symbol] timeline_type # @param [Integer] account_id # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] aggregate_reblogs # @return [Boolean] def add_to_feed(timeline_type, account_id, status, aggregate_reblogs: true) timeline_key = key(timeline_type, account_id) reblog_key = key(timeline_type, account_id, 'reblogs') if status.reblog? && (aggregate_reblogs.nil? || aggregate_reblogs) # If the original status or a reblog of it is within # REBLOG_FALLOFF statuses from the top, do not re-insert it into # the feed rank = redis.zrevrank(timeline_key, status.reblog_of_id) return false if !rank.nil? && rank < FeedManager::REBLOG_FALLOFF # The ordered set at `reblog_key` holds statuses which have a reblog # in the top `REBLOG_FALLOFF` statuses of the timeline if redis.zadd(reblog_key, status.id, status.reblog_of_id, nx: true) # This is not something we've already seen reblogged, so we # can just add it to the feed (and note that we're reblogging it). redis.zadd(timeline_key, status.id, status.id) else # Another reblog of the same status was already in the # REBLOG_FALLOFF most recent statuses, so we note that this # is an "extra" reblog, by storing it in reblog_set_key. reblog_set_key = key(timeline_type, account_id, "reblogs:#{status.reblog_of_id}") redis.sadd(reblog_set_key, status.id) return false end else # A reblog may reach earlier than the original status because of the # delay of the worker delivering the original status, the late addition # by merging timelines, and other reasons. # If such a reblog already exists, just do not re-insert it into the feed. return false unless redis.zscore(reblog_key, status.id).nil? redis.zadd(timeline_key, status.id, status.id) end true end # Removes an individual status from a feed, correctly handling cases # with reblogs, and returning true if a status was removed. As with # `add_to_feed`, this does not trigger push updates, so callers must # do so if appropriate. # @param [Symbol] timeline_type # @param [Integer] account_id # @param [Status] status # @param [Boolean] aggregate_reblogs # @return [Boolean] def remove_from_feed(timeline_type, account_id, status, aggregate_reblogs: true) timeline_key = key(timeline_type, account_id) reblog_key = key(timeline_type, account_id, 'reblogs') if status.reblog? && (aggregate_reblogs.nil? || aggregate_reblogs) # 1. If the reblogging status is not in the feed, stop. status_rank = redis.zrevrank(timeline_key, status.id) return false if status_rank.nil? # 2. Remove reblog from set of this status's reblogs. reblog_set_key = key(timeline_type, account_id, "reblogs:#{status.reblog_of_id}") redis.srem(reblog_set_key, status.id) redis.zrem(reblog_key, status.reblog_of_id) # 3. Re-insert another reblog or original into the feed if one # remains in the set. We could pick a random element, but this # set should generally be small, and it seems ideal to show the # oldest potential such reblog. other_reblog = redis.smembers(reblog_set_key).map(&:to_i).min redis.zadd(timeline_key, other_reblog, other_reblog) if other_reblog redis.zadd(reblog_key, other_reblog, status.reblog_of_id) if other_reblog # 4. Remove the reblogging status from the feed (as normal) # (outside conditional) else # If the original is getting deleted, no use for reblog references redis.del(key(timeline_type, account_id, "reblogs:#{status.id}")) redis.zrem(reblog_key, status.id) end redis.zrem(timeline_key, status.id) end # Pre-fetch various objects and relationships for given statuses that # are going to be checked by the filtering methods # @param [Integer] receiver_id # @param [Array] statuses # @return [Hash] def build_crutches(receiver_id, statuses) crutches = {} crutches[:active_mentions] = crutches_active_mentions(statuses) check_for_blocks = statuses.flat_map do |s| arr = crutches[:active_mentions][s.id] || [] arr.push(s.account_id) if s.reblog? && s.reblog.present? arr.push(s.reblog.account_id) arr.concat(crutches[:active_mentions][s.reblog_of_id] || []) end arr end lists = List.where(account_id: receiver_id, exclusive: true) crutches[:following] = Follow.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: statuses.filter_map(&:in_reply_to_account_id)).pluck(:target_account_id).index_with(true) crutches[:languages] = Follow.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: statuses.map(&:account_id)).pluck(:target_account_id, :languages).to_h crutches[:hiding_reblogs] = Follow.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: statuses.filter_map { |s| s.account_id if s.reblog? }, show_reblogs: false).pluck(:target_account_id).index_with(true) crutches[:blocking] = Block.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: check_for_blocks).pluck(:target_account_id).index_with(true) crutches[:muting] = Mute.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: check_for_blocks).pluck(:target_account_id).index_with(true) crutches[:domain_blocking] = AccountDomainBlock.where(account_id: receiver_id, domain: statuses.flat_map { |s| [s.account.domain, s.reblog&.account&.domain] }.compact).pluck(:domain).index_with(true) crutches[:blocked_by] = Block.where(target_account_id: receiver_id, account_id: statuses.map { |s| [s.account_id, s.reblog&.account_id] }.flatten.compact).pluck(:account_id).index_with(true) crutches[:exclusive_list_users] = ListAccount.where(list: lists, account_id: statuses.map(&:account_id)).pluck(:account_id).index_with(true) crutches end def crutches_active_mentions(statuses) Mention .active .where(status_id: statuses.flat_map { |status| [status.id, status.reblog_of_id] }.compact) .pluck(:status_id, :account_id) .each_with_object({}) { |(id, account_id), mapping| (mapping[id] ||= []).push(account_id) } end end