2018-12-25 15:09:03 +01:00

602 lines
14 KiB

package service
import (
type SlackService struct {
Config *config.Config
Client *slack.Client
RTM *slack.RTM
Conversations []slack.Channel
UserCache map[string]string
CurrentUserID string
CurrentUsername string
// NewSlackService is the constructor for the SlackService and will initialize
// the RTM and a Client
func NewSlackService(config *config.Config) (*SlackService, error) {
svc := &SlackService{
Config: config,
Client: slack.New(config.SlackToken),
UserCache: make(map[string]string),
// Get user associated with token, mainly
// used to identify user when new messages
// arrives
authTest, err := svc.Client.AuthTest()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("not able to authorize client, check your connection and if your slack-token is set correctly")
svc.CurrentUserID = authTest.UserID
// Create RTM
svc.RTM = svc.Client.NewRTM()
go svc.RTM.ManageConnection()
// Creation of user cache this speeds up
// the uncovering of usernames of messages
users, _ := svc.Client.GetUsers()
for _, user := range users {
// only add non-deleted users
if !user.Deleted {
svc.UserCache[user.ID] = user.Name
// Get name of current user
currentUser, err := svc.Client.GetUserInfo(svc.CurrentUserID)
if err != nil {
svc.CurrentUsername = "slack-term"
svc.CurrentUsername = currentUser.Name
return svc, nil
func (s *SlackService) GetChannels() ([]components.ChannelItem, error) {
slackChans := make([]slack.Channel, 0)
// Initial request
initChans, initCur, err := s.Client.GetConversations(
ExcludeArchived: "true",
Limit: 10,
Types: []string{
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slackChans = append(slackChans, initChans...)
// Paginate over additional channels
nextCur := initCur
for nextCur != "" {
channels, cursor, err := s.Client.GetConversations(
Cursor: nextCur,
ExcludeArchived: "true",
Limit: 10,
Types: []string{
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slackChans = append(slackChans, channels...)
nextCur = cursor
// We're creating tempChan, because we want to be able to
// sort the types of channels into buckets
type tempChan struct {
channelItem components.ChannelItem
slackChannel slack.Channel
// Initialize buckets
buckets := make(map[int]map[string]*tempChan)
buckets[0] = make(map[string]*tempChan) // Channels
buckets[1] = make(map[string]*tempChan) // Group
buckets[2] = make(map[string]*tempChan) // MpIM
buckets[3] = make(map[string]*tempChan) // IM
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, chn := range slackChans {
chanItem := s.createChannelItem(chn)
if chn.IsChannel {
if !chn.IsMember {
chanItem.Type = components.ChannelTypeChannel
buckets[0][chn.ID] = &tempChan{
channelItem: chanItem,
slackChannel: chn,
if chn.IsGroup {
if !chn.IsMember {
// This is done because MpIM channels are also considered groups
if chn.IsMpIM {
if !chn.IsOpen {
chanItem.Type = components.ChannelTypeMpIM
buckets[2][chn.ID] = &tempChan{
channelItem: chanItem,
slackChannel: chn,
} else {
chanItem.Type = components.ChannelTypeGroup
buckets[1][chn.ID] = &tempChan{
channelItem: chanItem,
slackChannel: chn,
if chn.IsIM {
// Check if user is deleted, we do this by checking the user id,
// and see if we have the user in the UserCache
name, ok := s.UserCache[chn.User]
if !ok {
chanItem.Name = name
chanItem.Type = components.ChannelTypeIM
buckets[3][chn.User] = &tempChan{
channelItem: chanItem,
slackChannel: chn,
go func(user string, buckets map[int]map[string]*tempChan) {
defer wg.Done()
presence, err := s.GetUserPresence(user)
if err != nil {
buckets[3][user].channelItem.Presence = "away"
buckets[3][user].channelItem.Presence = presence
}(chn.User, buckets)
// Sort the buckets
var keys []int
for k := range buckets {
keys = append(keys, k)
var chans []components.ChannelItem
for _, k := range keys {
bucket := buckets[k]
// Sort channels in every bucket
tcArr := make([]tempChan, 0)
for _, v := range bucket {
tcArr = append(tcArr, *v)
sort.Slice(tcArr, func(i, j int) bool {
return tcArr[i].channelItem.Name < tcArr[j].channelItem.Name
// Add ChannelItem and SlackChannel to the SlackService struct
for _, tc := range tcArr {
chans = append(chans, tc.channelItem)
s.Conversations = append(s.Conversations, tc.slackChannel)
return chans, nil
// GetUserPresence will get the presence of a specific user
func (s *SlackService) GetUserPresence(userID string) (string, error) {
presence, err := s.Client.GetUserPresence(userID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return presence.Presence, nil
// MarkAsRead will set the channel as read
func (s *SlackService) MarkAsRead(channelID string) {
channelID, fmt.Sprintf("%f",
// SendMessage will send a message to a particular channel
func (s *SlackService) SendMessage(channelID string, message string) error {
// https://godoc.org/github.com/nlopes/slack#PostMessageParameters
postParams := slack.PostMessageParameters{
AsUser: true,
Username: s.CurrentUsername,
LinkNames: 1,
// https://godoc.org/github.com/nlopes/slack#Client.PostMessage
_, _, err := s.Client.PostMessage(channelID, message, postParams)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetMessages will get messages for a channel, group or im channel delimited
// by a count.
func (s *SlackService) GetMessages(channelID string, count int) ([]components.Message, error) {
// https://godoc.org/github.com/nlopes/slack#GetConversationHistoryParameters
historyParams := slack.GetConversationHistoryParameters{
ChannelID: channelID,
Limit: count,
Inclusive: false,
history, err := s.Client.GetConversationHistory(&historyParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Construct the messages
var messages []components.Message
for _, message := range history.Messages {
msg := s.CreateMessage(message, channelID)
messages = append(messages, msg)
// Reverse the order of the messages, we want the newest in
// the last place
var messagesReversed []components.Message
for i := len(messages) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
messagesReversed = append(messagesReversed, messages[i])
return messagesReversed, nil
// CreateMessage will create a string formatted message that can be rendered
// in the Chat pane.
// [23:59] <erroneousboat> Hello world!
func (s *SlackService) CreateMessage(message slack.Message, channelID string) components.Message {
var name string
// Get username from cache
name, ok := s.UserCache[message.User]
// Name not in cache
if !ok {
if message.BotID != "" {
// Name not found, perhaps a bot, use Username
name, ok = s.UserCache[message.BotID]
if !ok {
// Not found in cache, add it
name = message.Username
s.UserCache[message.BotID] = message.Username
} else {
// Not a bot, not in cache, get user info
user, err := s.Client.GetUserInfo(message.User)
if err != nil {
name = "unknown"
s.UserCache[message.User] = name
} else {
name = user.Name
s.UserCache[message.User] = user.Name
if name == "" {
name = "unknown"
// Parse time
floatTime, err := strconv.ParseFloat(message.Timestamp, 64)
if err != nil {
floatTime = 0.0
intTime := int64(floatTime)
// Format message
msg := components.Message{
ID: message.Timestamp,
Messages: make(map[string]components.Message),
Time: time.Unix(intTime, 0),
Name: name,
Content: parseMessage(s, message.Text),
StyleTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.Time,
StyleName: s.Config.Theme.Message.Name,
StyleText: s.Config.Theme.Message.Text,
FormatTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.TimeFormat,
// When there are attachments, add them to Messages
// NOTE: attachments don't have an id or a timestamp that we can
// use as a key value for the Messages field, so we use the index
// of the returned array.
if len(message.Attachments) > 0 {
atts := s.CreateMessageFromAttachments(message.Attachments)
for i, a := range atts {
msg.Messages[strconv.Itoa(i)] = a
// When the message timestamp and thread timestamp are the same, we
// have a parent message. This means it contains a thread with replies.
if message.ThreadTimestamp != "" && message.ThreadTimestamp == message.Timestamp {
replies := s.CreateMessageFromReplies(message, channelID)
for _, reply := range replies {
msg.Messages[reply.ID] = reply
return msg
// CreateMessageFromReplies will create components.Message struct from
// the conversation replies from slack.
// Useful documentation:
// https://api.slack.com/docs/message-threading
// https://api.slack.com/methods/conversations.replies
// https://godoc.org/github.com/nlopes/slack#Client.GetConversationReplies
// https://godoc.org/github.com/nlopes/slack#GetConversationRepliesParameters
func (s *SlackService) CreateMessageFromReplies(message slack.Message, channelID string) []components.Message {
msgs := make([]slack.Message, 0)
initReplies, _, initCur, err := s.Client.GetConversationReplies(
ChannelID: channelID,
Timestamp: message.ThreadTimestamp,
Limit: 200,
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err) // FIXME
msgs = append(msgs, initReplies...)
nextCur := initCur
for nextCur != "" {
conversationReplies, _, cursor, err := s.Client.GetConversationReplies(&slack.GetConversationRepliesParameters{
ChannelID: channelID,
Timestamp: message.ThreadTimestamp,
Cursor: nextCur,
Limit: 200,
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err) // FIXME
// FIXME: for some reason the usage of `append` here makes nextCur
// stay the same as initCur
msgs = append(msgs, conversationReplies...)
nextCur = cursor
var replies []components.Message
for i, reply := range msgs {
if i == 0 {
msg := s.CreateMessage(reply, channelID)
replies = append(replies, msg)
return replies
func (s *SlackService) CreateMessageFromMessageEvent(message *slack.MessageEvent, channelID string) (components.Message, error) {
msg := slack.Message{Msg: message.Msg}
switch message.SubType {
case "message_changed":
// Append (edited) when an edited message is received
msg = slack.Message{Msg: *message.SubMessage}
msg.Text = fmt.Sprintf("%s (edited)", msg.Text)
case "message_replied":
// Ignore reply events
return components.Message{}, errors.New("ignoring reply events")
return s.CreateMessage(msg, channelID), nil
// parseMessage will parse a message string and find and replace:
// - emoji's
// - mentions
func parseMessage(s *SlackService, msg string) string {
if s.Config.Emoji {
msg = parseEmoji(msg)
msg = parseMentions(s, msg)
return msg
// parseMentions will try to find mention placeholders in the message
// string and replace them with the correct username with and @ symbol
// Mentions have the following format:
// <@U12345|erroneousboat>
// <@U12345>
func parseMentions(s *SlackService, msg string) string {
r := regexp.MustCompile(`\<@(\w+\|*\w+)\>`)
return r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(
msg, func(str string) string {
rs := r.FindStringSubmatch(str)
if len(rs) < 1 {
return str
var userID string
split := strings.Split(rs[1], "|")
if len(split) > 0 {
userID = split[0]
} else {
userID = rs[1]
name, ok := s.UserCache[userID]
if !ok {
user, err := s.Client.GetUserInfo(userID)
if err != nil {
name = "unknown"
s.UserCache[userID] = name
} else {
name = user.Name
s.UserCache[userID] = user.Name
if name == "" {
name = "unknown"
return "@" + name
// parseEmoji will try to find emoji placeholders in the message
// string and replace them with the correct unicode equivalent
func parseEmoji(msg string) string {
r := regexp.MustCompile("(:\\w+:)")
return r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(
msg, func(str string) string {
code, ok := config.EmojiCodemap[str]
if !ok {
return str
return code
// CreateMessageFromAttachments will construct an array of strings from the
// Field values of Attachments of a Message.
func (s *SlackService) CreateMessageFromAttachments(atts []slack.Attachment) []components.Message {
var msgs []components.Message
for _, att := range atts {
for _, field := range att.Fields {
msgs = append(msgs, components.Message{
Content: fmt.Sprintf(
"%s %s",
StyleTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.Time,
StyleName: s.Config.Theme.Message.Name,
StyleText: s.Config.Theme.Message.Text,
FormatTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.TimeFormat,
if att.Text != "" {
msgs = append(
Content: fmt.Sprintf("%s", att.Text),
StyleTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.Time,
StyleName: s.Config.Theme.Message.Name,
StyleText: s.Config.Theme.Message.Text,
FormatTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.TimeFormat,
if att.Title != "" {
msgs = append(
Content: fmt.Sprintf("%s", att.Title),
StyleTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.Time,
StyleName: s.Config.Theme.Message.Name,
StyleText: s.Config.Theme.Message.Text,
FormatTime: s.Config.Theme.Message.TimeFormat,
return msgs
func (s *SlackService) createChannelItem(chn slack.Channel) components.ChannelItem {
return components.ChannelItem{
ID: chn.ID,
Name: chn.Name,
Topic: chn.Topic.Value,
UserID: chn.User,
StylePrefix: s.Config.Theme.Channel.Prefix,
StyleIcon: s.Config.Theme.Channel.Icon,
StyleText: s.Config.Theme.Channel.Text,