402 lines
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402 lines
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package handlers
import (
termbox "github.com/nsf/termbox-go"
var timer *time.Timer
// actionMap binds specific action names to the function counterparts,
// these action names can then be used to bind them to specific keys
// in the Config.
var actionMap = map[string]func(*context.AppContext){
// "space": actionSpace,
// "backspace": actionBackSpace,
// "delete": actionDelete,
// "cursor-right": actionMoveCursorRight,
// "cursor-left": actionMoveCursorLeft,
// "send": actionSend,
"quit": actionQuit,
// "mode-insert": actionInsertMode,
// "mode-command": actionCommandMode,
// "mode-search": actionSearchMode,
// "clear-input": actionClearInput,
"channel-up": actionMoveCursorUpChannels,
"channel-down": actionMoveCursorDownChannels,
// "channel-top": actionMoveCursorTopChannels,
// "channel-bottom": actionMoveCursorBottomChannels,
// "chat-up": actionScrollUpChat,
// "chat-down": actionScrollDownChat,
// "help": actionHelp,
func RegisterEventHandlers(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// incomingMessageHandler(ctx)
// TODO: add incomingMessageHandler to the select statement
func eventHandler(ctx *context.AppContext) {
go func() {
for {
ctx.EventQueue <- termbox.PollEvent()
for {
select {
case ev := <-ctx.EventQueue:
switch ev.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
actionKeyEvent(ctx, ev)
// case termbox.EventResize:
// actionResizeEvent(ctx, ev)
// func incomingMessageHandler(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// go func() {
// for {
// select {
// case msg := <-ctx.Service.RTM.IncomingEvents:
// switch ev := msg.Data.(type) {
// case *slack.MessageEvent:
// // Construct message
// msg := ctx.Service.CreateMessageFromMessageEvent(ev)
// // Add message to the selected channel
// if ev.Channel == ctx.Service.Channels[ctx.View.Channels.SelectedChannel].ID {
// // reverse order of messages, mainly done
// // when attachments are added to message
// for i := len(msg) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// ctx.View.Chat.AddMessage(msg[i])
// }
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Chat)
// // TODO: set Chat.Offset to 0, to automatically scroll
// // down?
// }
// // Set new message indicator for channel, I'm leaving
// // this here because I also want to be notified when
// // I'm currently in a channel but not in the terminal
// // window (tmux). But only create a notification when
// // it comes from someone else but the current user.
// if ev.User != ctx.Service.CurrentUserID {
// actionNewMessage(ctx, ev.Channel)
// }
// case *slack.PresenceChangeEvent:
// actionSetPresence(ctx, ev.User, ev.Presence)
// }
// }
// }
// }()
// }
func actionKeyEvent(ctx *context.AppContext, ev termbox.Event) {
keyStr := getKeyString(ev)
// Get the action name (actionStr) from the key that
// has been pressed. If this is found try to uncover
// the associated function with this key and execute
// it.
actionStr, ok := ctx.Config.KeyMap[ctx.Mode][keyStr]
if ok {
action, ok := actionMap[actionStr]
if ok {
} else {
// if ctx.Mode == context.InsertMode && ev.Ch != 0 {
// actionInput(ctx.View, ev.Ch)
// } else if ctx.Mode == context.SearchMode && ev.Ch != 0 {
// actionSearch(ctx, ev.Ch)
// }
// func actionResizeEvent(ctx *context.AppContext, ev termbox.Event) {
// termui.Body.Width = termui.TermWidth()
// termui.Body.Align()
// termui.Render(termui.Body)
// }
// func actionInput(view *views.View, key rune) {
// view.Input.Insert(key)
// termui.Render(view.Input)
// }
// func actionClearInput(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// // Clear input
// ctx.View.Input.Clear()
// ctx.View.Refresh()
// // Set command mode
// actionCommandMode(ctx)
// }
// func actionSpace(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// actionInput(ctx.View, ' ')
// }
// func actionBackSpace(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Input.Backspace()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Input)
// }
// func actionDelete(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Input.Delete()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Input)
// }
// func actionMoveCursorRight(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Input.MoveCursorRight()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Input)
// }
// func actionMoveCursorLeft(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Input.MoveCursorLeft()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Input)
// }
// func actionSend(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// if !ctx.View.Input.IsEmpty() {
// // Clear message before sending, to combat
// // quick succession of actionSend
// message := ctx.View.Input.GetText()
// ctx.View.Input.Clear()
// ctx.View.Refresh()
// ctx.View.Input.SendMessage(
// ctx.Service,
// ctx.Service.Channels[ctx.View.Channels.SelectedChannel].ID,
// message,
// )
// }
// }
// func actionSearch(ctx *context.AppContext, key rune) {
// go func() {
// if timer != nil {
// timer.Stop()
// }
// actionInput(ctx.View, key)
// timer = time.NewTimer(time.Second / 4)
// <-timer.C
// term := ctx.View.Input.GetText()
// ctx.View.Channels.Search(term)
// actionChangeChannel(ctx)
// }()
// }
// actionQuit will exit the program
func actionQuit(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// func actionInsertMode(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.Mode = context.InsertMode
// ctx.View.Mode.Par.Text = "INSERT"
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Mode)
// }
// func actionCommandMode(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.Mode = context.CommandMode
// ctx.View.Mode.Par.Text = "NORMAL"
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Mode)
// }
// func actionSearchMode(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.Mode = context.SearchMode
// ctx.View.Mode.Par.Text = "SEARCH"
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Mode)
// }
// func actionGetMessages(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Chat.GetMessages(
// ctx.Service,
// ctx.Service.Channels[ctx.View.Channels.SelectedChannel],
// )
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Chat)
// }
// actionMoveCursorUpChannels will execute the actionChangeChannel
// function. A timer is implemented to support fast scrolling through
// the list without executing the actionChangeChannel event.
func actionMoveCursorUpChannels(ctx *context.AppContext) {
go func() {
if timer != nil {
timer = time.NewTimer(time.Second / 4)
// Only actually change channel when timer expired
// Flush, because this is run in a goroutine
// actionMoveCursorDownChannels will execute the actionChangeChannel
// function. A timer is implemented to support fast scrolling through
// the list without executing the actionChangeChannel event.
func actionMoveCursorDownChannels(ctx *context.AppContext) {
go func() {
if timer != nil {
timer = time.NewTimer(time.Second / 4)
// Only actually change channel when timer expired
// Flush, because this is run in a goroutine
// func actionMoveCursorTopChannels(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Channels.MoveCursorTop()
// actionChangeChannel(ctx)
// }
// func actionMoveCursorBottomChannels(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Channels.MoveCursorBottom()
// actionChangeChannel(ctx)
// }
func actionChangeChannel(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// Clear messages from Chat pane
// TODO: Get the count of message that fit in the pane
// Get message for the new selected channel
messages := ctx.Service.GetMessages(
// Set messages for the new channel
// Set channel name for the Chat pane
// ctx.View.Chat.SetBorderLabel(
// ctx.Service.Channels[ctx.View.Channels.SelectedChannel],
// )
// Set read mark
// ctx.View.Channels.SetReadMark(ctx.Service)
// FIXME: maybe not necessary
// Refresh Chat component
// func actionNewMessage(ctx *context.AppContext, channelID string) {
// ctx.View.Channels.SetNotification(ctx.Service, channelID)
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Channels)
// }
// func actionSetPresence(ctx *context.AppContext, channelID string, presence string) {
// ctx.View.Channels.SetPresence(ctx.Service, channelID, presence)
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Channels)
// }
// func actionScrollUpChat(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Chat.ScrollUp()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Chat)
// }
// func actionScrollDownChat(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Chat.ScrollDown()
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Chat)
// }
// func actionHelp(ctx *context.AppContext) {
// ctx.View.Chat.Help(ctx.Config)
// termui.Render(ctx.View.Chat)
// }
// GetKeyString will return a string that resembles the key event from
// termbox. This is blatanly copied from termui because it is an unexported
// function.
// See:
// - https://github.com/gizak/termui/blob/a7e3aeef4cdf9fa2edb723b1541cb69b7bb089ea/events.go#L31-L72
// - https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go/blob/master/api_common.go
func getKeyString(e termbox.Event) string {
var ek string
k := string(e.Ch)
pre := ""
mod := ""
if e.Mod == termbox.ModAlt {
mod = "M-"
if e.Ch == 0 {
if e.Key > 0xFFFF-12 {
k = "<f" + strconv.Itoa(0xFFFF-int(e.Key)+1) + ">"
} else if e.Key > 0xFFFF-25 {
ks := []string{"<insert>", "<delete>", "<home>", "<end>", "<previous>", "<next>", "<up>", "<down>", "<left>", "<right>"}
k = ks[0xFFFF-int(e.Key)-12]
if e.Key <= 0x7F {
pre = "C-"
k = string('a' - 1 + int(e.Key))
kmap := map[termbox.Key][2]string{
termbox.KeyCtrlSpace: {"C-", "<space>"},
termbox.KeyBackspace: {"", "<backspace>"},
termbox.KeyTab: {"", "<tab>"},
termbox.KeyEnter: {"", "<enter>"},
termbox.KeyEsc: {"", "<escape>"},
termbox.KeyCtrlBackslash: {"C-", "\\"},
termbox.KeyCtrlSlash: {"C-", "/"},
termbox.KeySpace: {"", "<space>"},
termbox.KeyCtrl8: {"C-", "8"},
if sk, ok := kmap[e.Key]; ok {
pre = sk[0]
k = sk[1]
ek = pre + mod + k
return ek